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  1. hickchick327

    Comment by 'hickchick327' in media ''

    lol, you could play the "which one of these does not belong" game> rotflol
  2. hickchick327

    Hen ID

    Other pics didn't upload. Sorry. :/
  3. hickchick327

    Hen ID

    Found this gal running wild in a subdivision. She was sitting on eggs( we put em in the incubator and hatched em). The hen is about 5-6 lbs lays medium sized cream colored eggs. Pea comb? Yellow legs. Chicks are a mix of colors. [/IMG][/IMG]
  4. hickchick327

    Hatching problem

    Ya know I was thinking about that too. I still had the other chicks in there too. They were just starting to dry but flopping around a bit. Could one have knocked him/rolled him before he was out of his shell good and ripped him and his yolk sac before he was ready to emerge all the way? I just...
  5. hickchick327

    Hatching problem

    It hatched like this and died. It had zipped and was pushing the top part of its shell off. I checked an hour later and it was dead. It did still have a piece of the shell stuck to its bottom. But it was already dead. I pulled it out of the incubator to ck for signs of life n then took this pic...
  6. hickchick327

    Hatching problem

    I have some eggs in the incubator hatching now :). Anyhow one chick hatched and died before getting all of the way out of the egg. Any ideas? It looks like the yolk wasn't all the way absorbed. Hovabator styro incubator, temp: 99-100 humidity 57%. I've never had this happen before. This is my...
  7. hickchick327

    Silkie Chicks-color/genetics questions??

    Ok this was my first experimental silkie hatch. For background I have two (red) hens great crest/ un-bearded. 1 silver splash hen/bearded and an unbearded patridge roo. All meet silkie standards in regards to toes, skin color, wattle/comb, and size. They are breeder stock not hatchery...
  8. hickchick327

    Things you never said until you had chickens.......

    (to my frizzle roo) scene: feeding the chickens while on the phone with a family member- I randomly scream in her ear " If you don't stop attacking me you are gonna be a McNugget!!" other end of the phone line: dead silence...followed by insane laughter
  9. hickchick327

    Dumbest Things People Have Said About Your Chickens/Eggs/Meat

    I had a teenage girl tell me that she was a vegetarian and therefor couldn't eat eggs because they "are baby chickens!" Ok, to each their own be clear I explained that my eggs were unfertilized and would never be a baby. I got a blank stare and then "they are ALL babies and it's wrong...
  10. hickchick327

    Old Fashioned Broody Hen Hatch A Long and Informational Thread

    First Timer here. I have a silkie that has gone broody. I am worried because its awfully hot here in south louisiana right now! Also, can I candle when she steps off for her daily "break?" If so, what day is best? She started setting two days ago... Any help would be greatly appreciated...
  11. hickchick327

    TSC Bantum surprise

    Thanks for the quick responses! It's torture waiting for these little guys to grow up but Ive really enjoyed them so far. The guessing is half the fun! I have some adult silkies who just started laying yesterday too! LOOOOVE spring time.
  12. hickchick327

    TSC Bantum surprise

    Ok, I know everyone has done this before. But lets face it...playing guess that breed never gets old Some of these I am pretty sure on, but input is greatly appreciated. And some...I dunno Pretty sure both my frizzles are roos though...of course
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