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  1. STM060929

    Coop Project: Maken the Plunge & Getting Chickens

    looks great! i'm currently gathering ideas for my husband to build our coop. is there anything that you are very happy to did or anything that you'd change? link in my signiture to my design thread.
  2. STM060929


    we're just over the border of VA, on the NC side; less then hour from Hampton Roads. Anyone out this way- Chesapeake, VBeach, Norfolk?
  3. STM060929

    North Carolina

    Hi! New to this forum. We're out in NC near the VA border. No chickens yet. I have a year to figure out exactly what I want. I'm obsessively planning g and researching now.
  4. STM060929

    hi! super new enthusiastic chicken family to be {NC/VA area}

    ohhhh *sparkles* i see from your siggy you have Great Danes. How are they with your feathered flock? our friends recently got a GD pup and he is such an awesome dog. DH wants to get our girls a puppy for Christmas (you know, the whole pup in a box under the tree... SURPRISE!) and we're...
  5. STM060929

    hi! super new enthusiastic chicken family to be {NC/VA area}

    I'm an obsessive planner to a fault, so being in control and ahead of the game is my goal. I figure with a year to plan i'll have all my "chickens in a coop" come my time as Mother Hen
  6. STM060929

    hi! super new enthusiastic chicken family to be {NC/VA area}

    And THANK YOU for your service (& a High-Five to your Wife )
  7. STM060929

    Hello from NC

    Hi! we're new to chickening and in NC too!
  8. STM060929

    hi! super new enthusiastic chicken family to be {NC/VA area}

    y'all are so friendly! Thanks for bring out the welcome wagon!
  9. STM060929

    hi! super new enthusiastic chicken family to be {NC/VA area}

    thanks for the welcome! i've got a bit to plan & want to do it right; plus DH will be much easier to boss around if i have all my ducks in a row (or is that chickens on a perch, bad dump BING!)
  10. STM060929

    Poop board convert *warning-graphic/gross poop pictures*

    wahoo! i took some SERIOUS notes from this thread. DH isn't going to know what hit him come building time "start brain storming" he said, "have a plan" "gesturing with your hands does not equal a blueprint..." last laugh will be mine ;) thank you for your great ideas everyone.
  11. STM060929

    The 'Lotsa Poop Chicken Coop' ***Poop Drawer Update***

    i'm totally taking notes on your coop. I really like that sideways hinge-y door, for scooping? shoveling? the used shavings.
  12. STM060929

    A little bummed, I could use some congratulations from my BYC family!

    Congratulations! Kids are so amazingly awesome. Best of luck!
  13. STM060929

    hi! super new enthusiastic chicken family to be {NC/VA area}

    HI! {imagine me waving} i'm 28. Been married to my Mr. Man for 7 years. He's AD in the Navy. We have a dog. he's nuts. I like to cook. I love to bake. I love to sew. I like to craft. a LOT. I enjoy vacuuming- thanks in part to my wonderful Dyson- it rocks my socks. I water down my juice. I...
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