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  1. Rosebud75

    My new career choice?

    Thx for all teh support guys. I know I've made the right decision. I went to a friend's house the other day, and somehow ended up with two chihuauas and a dalmation - the small one's on my lap, the big one on my feet - while I sat in a recliner chatting with my friend. I know that's what i...
  2. Rosebud75

    My new career choice?

    My hubby is currently taking all his courses online (Net admin degree - it's ALL online!) so I am planning to take all I can online to help fit my schedule. HOWEVER. out of the 27 or so courses, only 7 are gen eds available online or at my local comm. college. All the others are Vet courses...
  3. Rosebud75

    My new career choice?

    Hubby wants me to take the Gen eds at the comm. college for now, then transfer them later, hoping we'll move closer to the college I need to go to. (It's located about a half hour from his work so we'd move closer to both). If I do that, and take only a couple classes at a time, it's still...
  4. Rosebud75

    My new career choice?

    Yeah that's waht hubby said to me - he's also in school for his net. Admin degree - he says he should have started working on it a very long time ago, and doesn't want me to wait too long or I'll regret it.
  5. Rosebud75

    My new career choice?

    I do know they accept credits from our comm. college - I already asked the community college.
  6. Rosebud75

    My new career choice?

    I am horribly impatient though. Gen. eds would take 2 years or so - only taking 1 at a time per semester due to money. I also have 2 boys so I can't see traveling to school and still being home in time to get them from their school - which means it will be 2 years or more before I get into any...
  7. Rosebud75

    My new career choice?

    I am currently a very happy lunch lady. However, I've always wanted a job working with animals - I'd be perfectly happy being surrounded by them all day long! When hubby said I should think about going back to school, I told him I'd like to be a Veterinary technician! HURRAY FOR ME...
  8. Rosebud75

    Shredded paper bedding?

    Can you use shredded paper for bedding - like the kind from my hubby's paper shredder? I like the idea of recycling all the rediculous junk mail.
  9. Rosebud75

    Is it worth it money-wise?

    I'm not sure you can even compare the price of homegrown eggs to the 'free range' or 'organic' eggs in the store - considering the terms of freshness. I did math on what it would cost for me to have maybe 4 or so hens - plymouth rocks and buff orps. Coop would be made from recycled materials...
  10. Rosebud75

    Wire Floor in Coop?

    I like the idea of having a wire floor with a 'trapdoor' under it. Something like a droppings pit, kinda.
  11. Rosebud75

    Can my chickens have.....

    I would suggest pouring the leftovers in a colander or strainer and giving it a good rinse to get rid of the sauce...
  12. Rosebud75

    How on earth do you sanitize a wooden coop?

    I should think that a decent scrubbing with a diluted bleach water would be fine for sanitizing - a couple glugs in a bucket of water, and let it dry. Am I wrong? That's what we use in the kitchen.
  13. Rosebud75

    Meat Chicken Co-Op

    I know there are people in my area who do this with pigs, but I don't know who.
  14. Rosebud75

    I just rented the CUTEST chicken movie!!

    Wow what a fantastic movie!!! Some of the people were a teensy bit odd, but it ended really well. Wanted to throttle the guy with the 100 roosters, though, and the bit about the egg factories really got to me. I don't have chickens yet, so now I have to really decide what kind of eggs to get...
  15. Rosebud75

    I just rented the CUTEST chicken movie!!

    Those of you with netflix subscriptions don't have to wait for the mail - it's available as instant watch.... Think i'll watch it this afternoon!!
  16. Rosebud75

    Wire Floor in Coop?

    Yeah I'm thinking of a garage coop that opens up into a dog run.
  17. Rosebud75

    Wire Floor in Coop?

    I've been wondering about the wire floor myself - a hutch style coop sold on Mypetchicken has one, with a droppings board underneath. I would imagine if your chickens are going outside a lot, a wire floor wouldn't be too bad. I like the idea of not having to worry about bedding. In the winter...
  18. Rosebud75

    I love not throwing anything away

    LOL yeah I told him that this morning. I always call him a grumpy old goat (even tho he's only 30) - and I told him "You know, chickens get along really well with grumpy old goats!!"
  19. Rosebud75

    Funny Pic.....Can you guess.................

    Whatever it is, it sure made me smile!!!
  20. Rosebud75

    Coop design help?

    never mind... I think I figured it all out! Teehee... I'm so excited! Now to convince hubby...
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