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  1. chick man

    First Egg Countdown

    At what age should I be expecting my first eggs?
  2. chick man

    worming , How often is necessary or not?

    so i'm new to the chick thing when do the chickens molt or what are the signs of molting. what are some good wormers and how long should i not eat the eggs?
  3. chick man


    does any one have any rabbits? i have one not sure of the breed but she has dug a hole about 2 1/2 feet and today she had the front of it covered with dirt?????
  4. chick man

    First Egg Countdown

    i did not use golf balls i put easter eggs that i painted white and that fooled mine. what is the deal with my hens all laying in the same nest? i don't have any roos.
  5. chick man

    First Egg Countdown

    cool will do. not all the eggs just some and its been in the mid 90s already here which is out of the norm. i feed them layer and some scratch grains
  6. chick man

    First Egg Countdown

    i have 4 hens that are lying right now they give a medium size egg and when we cooked some of the eggs by the yolk there its very runny kinda like water. any idea why?
  7. chick man


    if you want to get rid of some of them let me know
  8. chick man


    can anyone tell me how to add the description of what kind of animals you have like wisher 1000 has 3 post up thank you
  9. chick man


    oh ok well thank you did not know that
  10. chick man


    Will turkey lays eggs with out a tom?
  11. chick man


    thank you will try it out
  12. chick man


    just wanted to find what i could do. one of the hens i bought laid an egg on the floor. i have pine shavings on the floor of my coop and she made a little nest and there was the egg. i have a nesting area its more of an open type not closed type nesting boxes just thought it might need to be...
  13. chick man


    rnorris1234 what kind and how big are they?
  14. chick man

    Royal Palm

    Breed Details: Royal Palms are normally not used for meat production with young toms averaging 16 lbs and hens 10 lbs. It is usually kept for small household meat production and for exhibition due to it's striking appearance. Many breeders of the Royal Palm refer to the birds as "eye candy"...
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