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  1. NHRobin

    Hen caught in the rain. Pants a lot. Please help.

    I believe your hen's panting may have been respiratory distress. Its possible she inhaled water while caught in the rain and down on the ground. She may have had water or mud in her lungs. I'm sorry your hen died. And I really don't believe your son "loved her to death".
  2. NHRobin

    Help - One of our hens is a rooster

    Word of mouth works well to. Tell lots of people. I was able to find a home for my too, plus two others volunteered too. All found by chatting up customers at starbucks (I'm now the crazy chicken barista, but it worked!)
  3. NHRobin

    Hi from New Hampshire!

    Hi! I'm from NH too! I'm a born and breed Californiacity girl who relocated about 6 years ago. Love my chickies too. My friends back inCA cant stop laughing. They don't know what they're missing!
  4. NHRobin

    New born chick with bowel loop stuck outside

    That was very brave, and kind of you.
  5. NHRobin

    New born chick with bowel loop stuck outside

    I have no experience with this for chicks. None. The condition in humans is gastroschisis, and a baby needs immediate surgery after birth. The risk is that the bowel will dry out, the skin around the opening can cut off blood supply and the bowel becomes necrotic (die) and cause a massive...
  6. NHRobin

    No Pete, Know Peace!

    I have 4 Buff Orpington chicks hatched on 4/26/12. They were adorable fluff balls, and my boys and I were fascinated! The changes they went through each day were amazing. We were amazed. My babies a few days old: At the same time, my father and I worked on the coop. I bought a set of...
  7. New Babies!

    New Babies!

  8. NHRobin

    Pet jealousy over new chicks?

    Yep. My dog is clingy now too. He really doesn't care for the chicks much. They seem to make him nervous with their fluttery motion and chirps. If I'm at the brooder for more than a few moments, he begins making noise and trying to get my attention. He'll even come over and bump me or lean...
  9. NHRobin

    Chicks and Dog

    I have two dogs. Both are golden mixes. One is golden/black lab, the other golden/sheltie. The Golden/Lab absolutely cannot be trusted with the chicks. He gets very, very excited by small moving things like squirrels and wild birds. He whines and fixates on the chicks in the box. He's the...
  10. NHRobin

    Cant get the heat lamp positioned just right

    I'm glad to know I'm not the only "lamp challenged". I was really only able to have it lower mounted or higher,with very little flexibility in between. I ended up placing it lower and changed it to a lower watt bulb. Also, I noticed they were getting snippy with one another when they were too...
  11. NHRobin

    Buff orpingtons

    PheazAnt: Those are adorable babies! I have 4 BO's about the same age in my brooder. 3 look like yours, complete with the tiny tails. The fourth doesn't quite match (a lost-n-found?). The tails made me wonder if I managed to pick up the only 3 roo's in the entire sexed bin! They're very...
  12. Default


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