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  1. Redangler

    Construction of "The Pantry". Another Wacky Coop. (Pic Heavy)

    Hi, I am back on the forum and will be posting new pics of my wacky coop this week. hope you stop in to see the updates.
  2. Redangler

    Construction of "The Pantry". Another Wacky Coop. (Pic Heavy)

    Hi all, I'm back! I have been away from the forum for quite some time. "The Pantry" was finished and used for about 5 years before a bobcat moved in and killed all of our chickens. The coop has undergone several changes thru the years and I will see if I can find some pictures to show where it...
  3. Redangler

    Any one want to join me in waiting for eggs, posting and comparing notes?

    Lemon is doing better. She lost a little weight after being chased by Pepper. He kept separating her from the flock for some reason. I think she did not want to mate with him because he had worn a bald spot on her back and the pin feathers were growing back in. We have been giving her special...
  4. Redangler

    Any one want to join me in waiting for eggs, posting and comparing notes?

    Here is a pic of the fodder in production. Obviously I never got the rack built that I wanted to get done so they grow in my kitchen instead!(My wife is not the biggest fan of this new kitchen experiment). I have seeds that soak for 1 day prior to being put in the trays. Total of 7 days to go...
  5. Redangler

    Any one want to join me in waiting for eggs, posting and comparing notes?

    Hey guys! I been so busy the last month, it took me two hours to catch up on all 45 pages I had not read! Glad to be back! Looks like everyone is doing great and alot of new peeps(people and chicks) are here as well. It's gonna take a few days to bring you guys up to speed on my last months...
  6. Redangler

    Any one want to join me in waiting for eggs, posting and comparing notes?

    Hey MB, Just in case you didn't notice, we are starting to get near that 2000 mark!
  7. Redangler

    Any one want to join me in waiting for eggs, posting and comparing notes?

    ***DAILY FODDER UPDATE*** I figured I would make a grand entrance today! haha! Well I gave the fodder to the girls this morning. I put a pile of scratch and the fodder in the run and my daughter let them out. They all chose they scratch! After a few minutes they pecked at the fodder a little...
  8. Redangler

    Any one want to join me in waiting for eggs, posting and comparing notes?

    Just normal room light is all that is needed. I went to my feed store and told them that i needed wheat seed. She ordered in Gore Wheat for me. I have no idea if it is GMO. I dont know about your girls but mine will knock you over for a handful of scratch. I found out that you should never...
  9. Redangler

    Any one want to join me in waiting for eggs, posting and comparing notes?

    I think when I give it to them tomorrow, I will put a pile of scratch in one spot and the fodder in another and see which one they select. It should be a very interesting decision. I will try to video it as well and see how that works.
  10. Redangler

    Any one want to join me in waiting for eggs, posting and comparing notes?

    Knobby, i have not measured it but I would guess it to be a 5" diameter and maybe 1.5" tall.
  11. Redangler

    Any one want to join me in waiting for eggs, posting and comparing notes?

    Hey Guys, Here is the daily fodder update. Growing quite well. The fodder has been going for 5.5 days right now and it went from 3.25" yesterday morning to 5.25 this morning. I think it will be ready for the girls tomorrow morning.
  12. Redangler

    Any one want to join me in waiting for eggs, posting and comparing notes?

    MB, congrats on the 9! I had back to back 10 egg days this first time. That was on the 17th and 18th. In total I have had 5 10 egg days out of the last 9 days. Crafty I have 10 hens and a rooster. I will be using trays that are about 8 x 13. My pics will show the whole setup. Hopefully I will...
  13. Redangler

    Any one want to join me in waiting for eggs, posting and comparing notes?

    When its about six to eight inches tall it will be ready to feed to the girls. It will basically look like a piece of sod without any dirt. It will come out of the container and go right into the run for them to enjoy! It it supposed to be super nutritious for them and contain almost all the...
  14. Redangler

    Any one want to join me in waiting for eggs, posting and comparing notes?

    Now here are some pics from this morning And another pic Overall the fodder grew 1 1/2" from yesterday morning to this morning. Two more days and it should be ready to feed to the girls. I am very happy with the ease of growing so far. I know when I get in full production the it will get a...
  15. Redangler

    Any one want to join me in waiting for eggs, posting and comparing notes?

    Here are some more fodder pics so you can see its rapid growth. This is a view from last night And another view from last night
  16. Redangler

    Any one want to join me in waiting for eggs, posting and comparing notes?

    from what I understand about the fodder I believe a 50 pound bag of wheat seed produces about 300 pounds of fodder so it appears that it would be worth while as far as a budget perspective. I did not get a chance 2 weigh this test but on my next batch I will be weighing to see how much it starts...
  17. Redangler

    Any one want to join me in waiting for eggs, posting and comparing notes?

    Hey crafty. The purpose of the fodder is to feed them the plant, seed, and root. Some people use fodder exclusively 4 feed I will be using it as a supplement to the standard feed. In order to do it properly you need to start a new batch of seeds every day because it only takes about 7 days...
  18. Redangler

    Any one want to join me in waiting for eggs, posting and comparing notes?

    Heres a couple update pics of the fodder this morning. And another. More pics tonight
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