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  1. foofty

    Evil Chicken Mites

    (Cont'd) Because they are black & don't latch, just crawl & bite; are the tinier .5mm vs. the red mite is 1.5mm. I read its ok to use frontline for this? would i have to get dose for large dog? I got permethrin spray for hens. Haven't used yet on baby chicks. Also read Sevin dust works, DE does...
  2. foofty

    Evil Chicken Mites

    I just got infested with tiny black mites on me. I had my hen under my shirt as we carried her 9 chicks by box into the house. Next day I had about 50 bites on my neck & chest. I found 2 on my phone screen & started googling. Got the hen & chicks down to coop, got heat lamp & took hot shower...
  3. foofty

    Comment by 'foofty' in article 'Red Fox - Chicken Predators - How To Protect Your Chickens From Foxes'

    yep. we saw fox leap up onto 6' fence & climb over quickly. Very agile creatures.
  4. foofty

    Comment by 'foofty' in article 'Red Fox - Chicken Predators - How To Protect Your Chickens From Foxes'

    that's the secret! You have dogs. Many have asked me "why don't you have a dog because foxes hate dogs"? Training a dog takes alot of commitment&I don't feel I have enough knowledge to do it.:( I love retrievers and herding dogs so much!
  5. foofty

    Fox came 1:30 p.m. to kill 2 bantees

    I'm so very sorry. I would take them no probs. But I live in Wisconsin 20 miles from Milwaukee
  6. foofty

    Fox came 1:30 p.m. to kill 2 bantees

    Ya, we just kept them inside after this attack. they have a fortress that can't be gotten into by fox but our fault was letting them range during day. After neighbor killed 2 red fox, we let them out occasionally. No probs as of yet. But I agree, there will be another to move into this...
  7. foofty

    Fox came 1:30 p.m. to kill 2 bantees

    2 weeks after this incident, our neighbor shot 2 red fox mid-day on his property as they were trying to get at his chickens. YAY!
  8. foofty

    retired from at&t 2014.Making good home for 13Banties,2-18 yr old Emden geese,6 yr old...

    retired from at&t 2014.Making good home for 13Banties,2-18 yr old Emden geese,6 yr old Sebostapel goose,2 mated Runners,AraucanaRoostr&3hens
  9. foofty

    Fox came 1:30 p.m. to kill 2 bantees

    Saturday October 27, 2018. Red fox came to cause chaos and fear and he trotted amongst our 15 banties out in front of our barn. One bantie ran & hid in the shallows of our pond. One 4 month old flapped her wings so hard she ended up on top of our pole barn. Fox did get away earlier in the day...
  10. foofty

    Comment by 'foofty' in article 'Red Fox - Chicken Predators - How To Protect Your Chickens From Foxes'

    nothing. they too smart to enter a trap. you gotta sit there with your 22&shoot it. Or put poison out in some chicken thighs
  11. foofty

    Comment by 'foofty' in article 'Red Fox - Chicken Predators - How To Protect Your Chickens From Foxes'

    It's B.S. that foxes are nocturnal. This article is full of blue mud. Read these other testimonies and I just screamed at and chased away a red fox at 1:30 in the afternoon today. It wasn't scared of me until I was 10 feet away and chasing it from my bantee hens
  12. foofty

    Comment by 'foofty' in article 'Red Fox - Chicken Predators - How To Protect Your Chickens From Foxes'

    DAMN! See, it's just not true that foxes are nocturnal. I just saw one today 20 feet in front of me at 1:30 in the afternoon as I screamed at it and chased it away from killing my bantee hen. But it had gotten our bantee rooster&hen earlier. Damn foxes need to be killed&it don't matter whether...
  13. foofty

    Comment by 'foofty' in article 'Red Fox - Chicken Predators - How To Protect Your Chickens From Foxes'

    so so sorry. Damn Foxes! They need to be killed when we see them. Could be a weasel. Are you near water, river,stream,pond? Weasels will take one by one each night with no sign. happened to us 3 years ago. they get in thru very tiny holes
  14. foofty

    Comment by 'foofty' in article 'Red Fox - Chicken Predators - How To Protect Your Chickens From Foxes'

    Those foxes are very bold. Unafraid of us screaming at them as I saw today. We lost a rooster and 2 bantee hens. Last week 2 full sized hens. Both in mid day. Makes me want to carry our 22 pistol on my hip when I'm out in the yard. Ya, them foxes are relentless. Gotta kill 'em
  15. foofty

    Comment by 'foofty' in article 'Red Fox - Chicken Predators - How To Protect Your Chickens From Foxes'

    so so sorry for your loss. I know the frustration of not wanting them to stay inside all day. But to keep them safe until fox is gone, its worth keeping them in for a bit.
  16. foofty

    Comment by 'foofty' in article 'Red Fox - Chicken Predators - How To Protect Your Chickens From Foxes'

    This article doesn't speak at all on the fox drama that occured today at our humble little chicken/duck/horse/goose farm. The fox appeared to be juvenile, came at 1:30 p.m. Trotted around the front of our barn where the free range chickens and new pair of runner ducks were hanging out. Just...
  17. foofty

    Mental Shock After Fox Attack

    Because foxes kill chickens? They kill just to kill&don't deserve to live when they kill our gentle pets who don't kill, but lay eggs, love, are gentle&innocent. We put poison in a chicken carcass&tied it to the fence hole the fox uses to get to our chickens. Hopefully the fox who just killed...
  18. foofty

    Comment by 'foofty' in article 'Dealing with Mites'

    I just got 2 chicks from a feed store to add to our existing chicks&hen family. Now I'm finding these tiny black specks crawling on my wrist&arm after handling them. They don't jump, I can kill them w/swipe of my finger. Maybe they are mites? Super tiny and dark colored. Can they live on humans...
  19. foofty

    What breed should I get?

    We ended up getting what we thought were 2 female Sebostapels. But one of them turned out to be male. They were so loved by our 2 emden males and they ended up raising them. The 4 are inseparable now, 5 yrs later.
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