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  1. shorty7978

    can adult chickens be vaccinated for marek's?

    One question? Do chickens pass on the antibodies at all to the eggs that they lay? It may sound crazy.....chicks dont nurse which is how other animals can pass on their antibodies but has anyone tested to see if its a possibility that chickens pass it to their eggs. Everyone is concerned with...
  2. shorty7978


    So I seem to have 2 flocks of chickens which I really wanted one big flock but that doesnt seem to be happening. My first flock is of 8 Wyndottes (hens)and 2 silkies(hen&roo) which was the original bunch.They where born on the 30th of May so they are almost 5 months old. About 2.5 months ago...
  3. shorty7978

    2 chicks with BROKEN beaks

    I think this is what is happening I think the bugs are swarming at night with the light on and they are pecking thru the wire. I have some different wire that I am going to put up on it tonight because I think the other wire is too small and too sharp. I looked at the oyster shell and it says...
  4. shorty7978

    2 chicks with BROKEN beaks

    HI All, I'm concerned I now have 2 chicks with broken beaks. They are both eating fine and seem to not be too upset by them but WHY is this happening. I have them on chick starter medicated and they get to free range in our backyard in the grass. They are about 3.5 weeks old. Is this because...
  5. shorty7978

    Brooder light... When to turn it off

    Gate, I'm in Texas where the days are getting into the 90's and the nights are probably 70-75 my chicks are about 3 weeks old and they are outside in their coop. I have a light out there but i dont turn it on during the day because of how hot its stays in the "brooder" my thermometer is around...
  6. shorty7978

    My week old questions!!??

    thanks everyone....I appreciate the advice
  7. shorty7978

    My week old questions!!??

    Hi All, So my chicks are a little over a week old now. I have them in a BIG box and started them out on puppy pads with a layer of shavings then paper towels on top. I just introduced them yesterday to all pine shavings which worried me a bit because they were pecking at them like they were...
  8. shorty7978

    Newbie in Riverside county CA

    I have been stocking BYC for a while now and we just bought a house with 2 acres and I cant wait to move in so I can start my own coop! I have been looking at coops and at chickens and have decided to start with a brood of about 6 chickens no roosters at this time. I'm a little scared of birds...
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