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  1. SmilingCinder

    how long between hatching?

    I have a beautiful barred rock hen setting on eggs. I know they aren't all hers, because a few are green (americauna), and out of 14 eggs, 3 have hatched yesterday but nothing today. How long should I wait before all the eggs have hatched? I don't know when the americauna laid her eggs, or...
  2. SmilingCinder

    How I process Quail... My 6yr old helped... WARNING: Graphic Pics

    Bravo!! Not only have you wonderfully provided great food for your family, but include your little girl...I think this Is the most inspiring thing I have seen in a long time. Great food, great values, great little should be very proud of yourself for what you have...
  3. SmilingCinder

    turkeys are only 5 weeks old....too early to tell if tom or hen?

    I have 3 turkeys, only 5 weeks old, and would like to know if it is possible to tell whether they are toms or hens this early. Or, if not, at what age will they show the differentiating characteristics?
  4. SmilingCinder

    Not sure why but, my hen, who was happily sitting on 6 eggs has kicked 2 out and has stopped sitting

    That makes sense...they are the eggsperts after all... today I noticed she has laid more eggs...I am going to just let her do her thing and see what happens. Thanks for the advice, all...much appreciated!!
  5. SmilingCinder

    Not sure why but, my hen, who was happily sitting on 6 eggs has kicked 2 out and has stopped sitting

    Thank you.. I guess I really don't have anything to lose by trying... I'll let you know if I am lucky or not...
  6. SmilingCinder

    Not sure why but, my hen, who was happily sitting on 6 eggs has kicked 2 out and has stopped sitting

    I have a beautiful pair of Birchens, and the Hen has laid 6 eggs, and started sitting on them. Yesterday, I noticed she has pushed 2 out of the nest, and stopped sitting on them... is it possible to take them now and incubate them? or is this normal for hens to do this?
  7. SmilingCinder

    I have 40 hens, only 20 can I tell which ones are laying?

    Thanks!!! I think I will have to grab a coffee and hang out in the coop for a while :) ...good thing I love my girls, eh?
  8. SmilingCinder

    I have 40 hens, only 20 can I tell which ones are laying?

    I have 20 1st year, 20 2nd year Rhode Islands, and lately I have only been getting very large, very pale brown eggs. Finished moulting, no sickness, clean coop, lots of food, water, etc. They were laying before, but the size of the eggs would say that would be my 2nd year layers...I'm...
  9. SmilingCinder

    help!!!!!!!!!!!! my chickens are not laying!!!!!!!!!!!

    It's not uncommon for Hens to stop laying, and many different reasons. Moulting, Broody, weather, coop conditions, feed, water etc... so make sure you have a nice safe area for your hens to lay in, a small box or area where they feel nothing can get at them, make sure they are getting the...
  10. SmilingCinder


    I am new to the chicken life, and loving it so far :) and have solved most of my "issues" and learned so much just by reading the forums, so I thought I would join. Great place you have here!!
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