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  1. tlcollins13

    Lavender hen hatched chicks that look like barred rock?

    Yes, I will get a picture of them. But I don't see where to add one. Can someone tell me how to do that? lol
  2. tlcollins13

    Lavender hen hatched chicks that look like barred rock?

    We have a pair of Lavender orpingtons but the chicks that hatched about 5wks ago were black with yellow belly and a small amount of lavender and now are starting to look like barred rocks. The hen was only with the lavender rooster. The hen does lay blue/greenish egg instead of brown so the lady...
  3. tlcollins13

    Lavender Orpington Thread

    We have a hen and rooster lavender orpington. She hatched 3 chicks and I was surprised to see they are a light black with mix of lavender on them and their underside is yellow! I thought lavender was born lavender?? Any ideas on what they are and why they hatched a different color? I will get a...
  4. tlcollins13

    Broody Hen Thread!

    Our hen has went broody after laying 15 eggs! She has been fully setting on them since this past Tuesday or Wednesday. Tonight I looked at 4 eggs (she was setting so I didn't want to disturb her too much). 2 of them looked empty, but I am going to leave them a few more days anyways to make sure...
  5. tlcollins13

    Broody Hen Thread!

    Our hen has laid 13 eggs so far in 15 days. She is off the nest all day long, so I don't believe she would be considered broody yet, but this morning there was a handful of soft feathers laying in the nesting box beside the eggs. Could this mean she is getting close to setting on them? I have...
  6. tlcollins13

    Broody Hen Thread!

    We have a lavender orpington that we are hoping to hatch eggs from. She has laid 10 eggs in the past 12 days, but hasn't started trying to set on them yet. How long should I give her before I remove them? If she doesn't become broody, will the eggs still be good enough to remove and use the...
  7. tlcollins13

    When will hen start setting?

    We have a lavender orpington that we are hoping to hatch eggs from. She has laid 10 eggs in the past 12 days, but hasn't started trying to set on them yet. How long should I give her before I remove them? If she doesn't become broody, will the eggs still be good enough to remove and use the...
  8. tlcollins13

    ISA-Brown page. :)))))))

    Hey ya'll some of my pullets have started laying, and the eggs are great. I have 2 that are bigger than the rest, and acting more aggressively. Do the roosters look similar to the hens, or are they white like most of the pictures I've seen?
  9. tlcollins13

    ISA-Brown page. :)))))))

    I got them from a lady who got them from a breeder, so who knows.... Even if they aren't ISA's, I'm sure they'll still be great chickens.
  10. tlcollins13

    ISA-Brown page. :)))))))

    Sorry for not emphasizing. I was asking about the birds in cmom's post. Where would be somewhere good to learn past the basics of chickens, specifically breeding, genetics, etc?
  11. tlcollins13

    ISA-Brown page. :)))))))

    Forgive me if i'm misunderstanding this. All i want to know is if somebody could take a red bird and white bird to make something that looks like an ISA. I know there's nothing that can successfully duplicate it. I do not know if anything can visually imitate it. I just think paranoid- like, and...
  12. tlcollins13

    North Carolina

    this is random but would it hurt to leave a possibly bad egg in the incubator with the ones doing well?
  13. tlcollins13

    ISA-Brown page. :)))))))

    so cmom, from looking at the chicks from your rir/ riw mix, i wonder if somebody could "counterfit" isa's..... hope that's not an idiotic idea
  14. tlcollins13

    ISA-Brown page. :)))))))

    i think the thread is an awesome idea. the hens with more white, are they isa's too? i'm just wonderin how much my girls colors will change with age.
  15. tlcollins13

    pritchard flutter valve teat?

    hey ya'll, i'm wantin to make a water with a 5 gal bucket and nipples. just wonderin if anybody knows if these flutter valves work? there the closest thing i can find nearby. thanks
  16. tlcollins13

    BSL X BA

    thanks alot, you just made my decision for me. i'd been thinkin my RIR cockerel will be a great breeder here soon and i don't wanna have to deal with the BA and my big BR sluggin it out.
  17. tlcollins13

    BSL X BA

    Hey ya'll, First off, apologies to those tired of my dumb questions. I'm learnin more everyday. Anyways, I'm being offered a black australorp rooster that I'd love to breed with my barred rock hen. My question is (and I know there's no sure fire answer) what would I get if i crossed the...
  18. tlcollins13

    North Carolina

    have you ever had much egg production out of the silkies, etc?
  19. tlcollins13

    North Carolina

    Hey ya'll, Got tired of staring thru tiny wire to see my bantys, so decided to throw them in with my BR's and BSL's. Rojo, my little bully of a banty, is still free ranging. Seems to be the only way he isn't about to kill or be killed..... I'm wondering if anybody has experience with large...
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