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  1. sellersgang

    Brave hens survive some type of attack!

    Two nights ago hubby was in a hurry to get the girls all locked up for the nite and failed to look in the coop to see if they had returned. Just ASSUMED and we all know what that does . They have a coop and run and we only let them out for an hour or 2 in the afternoons. Next day at lunch he...
  2. sellersgang

    Best place to purchase egg cartons???

    Quote: I ordered blank one from eggboxes and have made my own labels. We were told all we had to do was put our name, address & phone number on them along with the words.. "ungraded eggs" to be able to sell here in Mississippi. We also were told to keep them at 45 degrees or less too. So I...
  3. sellersgang

    Best place to purchase egg cartons???

    Well.. after the post above about the problems with eggboxes, I kinda cringed because I had already pressed the "Submit Order" button on their website. lol But.... All is well!! I had NO problems with my order at all except for the fact that I thought I was getting green cartons and they...
  4. sellersgang

    Best place to purchase egg cartons???

    I have asked friends and family to save cartons for me also but they dont deliver fast enough!!! Winter time didnt slow our girls down a bit. Yesterday we got 21 eggs from 25 girls! I will try our local feed store also.. Thanks for good tips!
  5. sellersgang

    Whoa - crazy, cool egg!

    I want one of those!!! lol I would definitely save that one.
  6. sellersgang

    24wk old EE's will not use the nest box

    My nest box is a plastic milk crate hung sideways on the wall. Dont have a pic tho. We have the same thing in one other coop and they have no prob using them.
  7. sellersgang

    Best place to purchase egg cartons???

    Quote: I just compared the 2.. eggcartons and eggboxes and as of today for basically the same item, eggboxes is cheaper at 29 cents per 100. Eggcartons came in at 47 cents per 100 by the time I added shipping. Eggboxes had FREE shipping.. yipppeeee..
  8. sellersgang

    what are some fun chicken treats?

    One group of ours love hanging cabbage while another group of ours prefer hanging cauliflower! We hang them from bunge cords and watch em bounce it around and get bopped in the head! Is that chicken abuse??? lol must not be ... they keep comin back for more!
  9. sellersgang

    Best place to purchase egg cartons???

    Thanks for your help! I wound up at because they had FREE shipping. That saved a bunch. Some places the shipping was as much as the dang foam egg cartons.. lol
  10. sellersgang

    Best place to purchase egg cartons???

    Not sure if this is the right place to post this but i will try. I am looking for a good place to purchase egg cartons for all these wondeful eggs I am getting. Any suggestions?
  11. sellersgang

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    Wooo hoooo.. our best day yet!!! We got 21 eggs today out of 25 layers. I need egg cartons!!!
  12. sellersgang

    24wk old EE's will not use the nest box

    Hmmmm.. a grapevine wreath.. thats something to think about! I went back out today and the 2 golf balls have been sent out of the coop this time to the far end of the run.. I think now they are really playing golf in there or pitch and catch or something.. they do not like those balls in their...
  13. sellersgang

    24wk old EE's will not use the nest box

    Wanna swap??? lol J/K these are my first ones to raise from babies.. I would NEVER swap them.
  14. sellersgang

    24wk old EE's will not use the nest box

    WOW no responses where are all the experts today???
  15. sellersgang

    24wk old EE's will not use the nest box

    We have 5 EE's that just turned 24 wks old and all but one have started laying. As soon as we found the first egg on the floor we put a nest box in the coop layered with straw. 2 hrs later all of the straw was out of the coop in the run. So I then put pine shavings in there with a golf ball...
  16. sellersgang

    Dozen egg prices?

    We sold ours here at a local farmers market for $3/dozen and actually had a waiting list!!
  17. sellersgang

    join my club

    I was about to join your club today but I went home at lunch and found 6 new eggs in the coop!!!!! I gathered 1 late yesterday afternoon so I know there were not left over either. YYIIPPPEEEE So thats 6 laying out of 12 possibles and they are 30 weeks old. NEVER give up! lol
  18. sellersgang

    Welsummers Are Laying (PICS)

    They really are pretty eggs! We have 2 Welsummers also and one of them is just now laying at 28 wks. Hers started out speckled too and seem to get darker and darker.
  19. sellersgang

    Black Sex Link Question

    Ok.. I questioned DH again and he bought them on July 18th and was told they were 6 wks old (he told me 10) but still if my counting is correct that still makes them 23 wks old instead of 28. I will try to get some pics this weekend and post on here. I looked again at lunch and her waddles are...
  20. sellersgang

    Black Sex Link Question

    Im pretty sure of their age or at least thats what the people we bought them from told us. As for feed they get Layena pellets and occasional treats of yogurt, cabbage, lettuce, tomatoes and they get to free range most days for 1 - 2 hrs. Do young ones have gray combs? Oh and the nest boxes...
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