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  1. LindseyP

    6 days post-impacted crop surgery, crop still not emptying normally - sour?

    I returned home from a trip to find that one of my hen's crop was very full, and felt impacted. It was also making the gargling noises and smelled as though it may have been sour as well. I separated her and tried everything from fasting, epsom salt drenches, massage, olive oil, and baking soda...
  2. LindseyP

    Chicken with swelling/growth under eyelid

    The bump feels firm, and there is no eye or nose discharge, or sneezing. Is there anything we can try other than baytril incase it is an abscess? It seems to be increasing in sIze very rapidly, in told it's bigger this morning than is was yesterday evening when I took the pictures...
  3. LindseyP

    Chicken with swelling/growth under eyelid

    Hey all, I'm posting for my neighbor, who asked me to have a look at her chicken. I'm attaching pictures of the growth/swelling on her face. This is a 2-3 year old bantam cochin hen. The ailment is only affecting one side of her face, and i'm told she's eating, drinking, and otherwise acting...
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