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  1. emach0301

    ***OKIES in the BYC III ***

    Hey Matt! at your local Tractor Supply, they have plenty of electrolytes to chose from for your chickens. They have tablets, and then they also have powder. Whenever its hot like this outside, I always give electrolytes to my chickens, I also give them to my horses and dogs. I personally think...
  2. emach0301

    ***OKIES in the BYC III ***

    Just finished putting some electrolytes in all 5 waterers outside as well as turning the sprinkler on so it hits the hen house to cool it off. Sadly, I have 5 broody hens right now, and not a single one are giving up anytime soon. I have a hen thats sitting on 4 duck eggs right now, and am...
  3. emach0301

    ***OKIES in the BYC III ***

    Thanks Kass, Got it. I contacted the OSU teaching hospital, and to bring it in on the weekend is a $75 fee for and "emergency" service. However, they cant even run tests until normal business hours. SO, I figure I might as well wait until Monday to drop of the dead bird. Hoping and praying...
  4. emach0301

    ***OKIES in the BYC III ***

    Lungs are Clear, Poop is clear. I have my own microscope and everything, literally check their poop all the time. Healthy one minute, and they drop dead the next. IF, and I say IF, I catch it early, and I mean super early, I'll find them laying on the ground, almost paralyzed (But will still be...
  5. emach0301

    ***OKIES in the BYC III ***

    Thank you everyone for the quick responses. This morning, I had another drop dead out of nowhere. Im so sad. So, do I contact my vet and ask her to do a necropsy on the bird? I just think I am dealing with something a bit more serious than usual as usually I can do my own necropsies and get...
  6. emach0301

    ***OKIES in the BYC III ***

    Hi everyone! Needing HELP! So as we all know, the Avian bird flu has hit Oklahoma. What are you guys using to PREVENT the spread of this to your flock? And what is part of your treatment plan once you have found a sick bird in which you suspect has the avian bird flu? Thanks in advance, I...
  7. emach0301

    ***OKIES in the BYC III ***

    Hi everyone, Its been a while since I have been on here! I have missed all of you! How is everyone doing? HOPE ALL IS WELL WITH EVERYONE! -Emily
  8. emach0301

    ***OKIES in the BYC III ***

    Long time no see okie friends? How is everyone? My son picked out a chicken at TSC and Im not quite sure what it is, any guesses?
  9. emach0301

    ***OKIES in the BYC III ***

    Thank you for the advice! So do I stop eating the eggs for the entire duration of while the Wazine is in their waterer? I have about 40 or so hens. I am usually treating them with Wazine every so often, but now that I think about it, I have missed a while. During the necropsy, I didn't find very...
  10. emach0301

    ***OKIES in the BYC III ***

    And another question, Could these worms cause a hen to go egg bound? This is what I am thinking happen to my hen.
  11. emach0301

    ***OKIES in the BYC III ***

    Could someone please identify these worms for me? I did an autopsy on one of my hens that mysteriously died. Thanks so much!
  12. emach0301

    the sultan thread

    Thanks cluck cluck! Haha, as funny as it may seem, his name is cluck cluck too!! He has a big attitude!
  13. emach0301

    ***OKIES in the BYC III ***

    Hey guys. Its been awhile since I have been on. Well I feel like a horrible chicken owner. I saw one of my hens picking at my roosters fluff for quite some time yesterday, so this prompts me to check for mites... and sure enough. He's got mites. I suppose I will be giving my first "seven dust...
  14. emach0301

    the sultan thread

    Heres a picture of my Sultan Rooster finally!
  15. emach0301

    ***OKIES in the BYC III ***

    bought a bantam chicken from TSC last night. Anyone have and ideas on what breed it may be?
  16. emach0301


    DARNNIT!!!! Yup, hes a bantam. Good thing his name is a gril name. His name is "cluck cluck". How old so you think he looks in those pics? I have yet to hear him crow?
  17. emach0301


    here are some up close pics of my sultan, what so you think ofthe gender?
  18. emach0301

    the sultan thread

    Hi everyone, Im new to the sultan thread, and new to owning a Sultan as well! Maybe I'll learn some interesting things here from you guys!! -emily
  19. emach0301


    how many hens did you say you had all together? Im a little like you, my girls were ready to start laying, and their boxes werent ready, so I have some of those five gallon buckets in their coop and that is seeming to do the trick for now, maybe you could put some out just in case they decide to...
  20. emach0301


    no, I only have one other boy thats fairly dominant, the rest are hens. I'll try to get some close up pics of "its" face this afternoon, and no one the crowing! Thats a good sign!
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