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  1. Ladyblackswan

    Could someone help me?

    Thank you for the help :) That Frizzy rooster is the sweetest thing you've ever seen and super good natured so I think he's a keeper :) Our other rooster is a mottled cochin and he crows like the dickens at six weeks,lol. I am really grateful for the help!
  2. Ladyblackswan

    Could someone help me?

    We have been raising chickens for just a year and this is our second batch of chicks (we expanded our coop). We went straight run and these little chicks are now about six weeks old. We have one we know for certain is a rooster (he crows every morning) but these four are still undetermined. Any...
  3. Ladyblackswan

    Baby not thriving?

    Thank you guys, I'll pick some up as soon as they open today.
  4. Ladyblackswan

    Baby not thriving?

    I received a small batch of chicks from a reputable hatchery and all of them are doing beautifully except one little guy. They are about 72 hrs old and one of the chicks , while moving some, sleeps most of the time and even when it's moving around, keeps 1 or both eyes closed. Is there something...
  5. Ladyblackswan

    Show off your roosters

    He's really handsome! I love the saddle feathers :)
  6. Ladyblackswan

    The Wyandotte Thread

    Wow! He's very handsome! I wonder if my boy will get a big ruff like that!
  7. Ladyblackswan

    The Wyandotte Thread

    Is there a place where you can see a picture of what a "top show" Wynadotte looks like? I have a rooster that I think is just beautiful, but I've never shown. He's still very young, only 5 months, but he's really coming in to his own and comes from good stock. Thanks!
  8. Ladyblackswan

    Show off your roosters

    Thanks for the complements on our Rooster, Sue. We were lucky enough to get him from Myron Lash, who breeds them to show. He's so beautiful, I hope to be able to show him one day myself!
  9. Ladyblackswan

    Show off your roosters

    This is our Rooster, Sue (we originally thought he was a girl,lol) He's a partridge Wyanedotte bantam. We were really blessed to get such a friendly rooster, he's very social. He's about 5 months old and has just started crowing.
  10. Ladyblackswan

    CMBF Show Oct 7 Windsor Fairgrounds, Windsor Maine

    Congratulations to all of you, your birds were just stunning! yes, please feel free to use any photos you like. If you want, the next time you have a show in the area I would be happy to volunteer to take pictures. I'm not a pro by any stretch but I can get some good shots sometimes :) I also...
  11. Ladyblackswan

    CMBF Show Oct 7 Windsor Fairgrounds, Windsor Maine

    I wanted to share a few photos from the show today and thank you again, we had a blast!
  12. Ladyblackswan

    CMBF Show Oct 7 Windsor Fairgrounds, Windsor Maine

    Hoppy, thank you so much for taking the time to talk with us today, we had a wonderful time at the show! Some of the chickens there were just amazing! I never knew chickens came in so many colors and varieties! The "Old English" were my favorites, my husband loved those Roosters with the White...
  13. Ladyblackswan

    Free for all Chickens Contest - SEPTEMBER - ends October 6th

    And this is our girl B.D.....she's a really funny girl, loves people and thinks she belongs in the house,lol. She's always trying to sneak up the steps and into the kitchen for a treat! B.D. is a mottled cochin, five months old. She's a bit of a late bloomer, but she's feathering out nicely!
  14. Ladyblackswan

    Free for all Chickens Contest - SEPTEMBER - ends October 6th

    This is our rooster, Sue...we weren't sure if he was going to be a boy or a girl, so we went Johnny cash,lol. He's super friendly and loves to hang out in the yard with us when we are working outside. He's still very young, only 5 months old, but he's got the heart of a lion in that little body...
  15. Ladyblackswan

    Thoughts on what I might need to do better?

    I have no idea what "scratch grain" is,lol. Do they like that? Is it a chicken treat? We feed ours layer mash and vegetable scraps....they love tomatoes!
  16. Ladyblackswan

    Thoughts on what I might need to do better?

    I was using the 4 square foot rule when we built it....figuring 5x5 gave us 25 square feet, so we were thinking 5 to 6 chickens, leaning towards five....we live in rural Maine, so I want to have enough so they can keep warm. Most folks up here advise strongly against heating the coop because we...
  17. Ladyblackswan

    Thoughts on what I might need to do better?

    We have four Partridge Wyandotte Bantam Rooster, one Mottle chochin bantam hen, one "easter egger hen (fullsized) and one Barred Rock hen (full sized). We lost one to a neighbors dog recently and were considering adding one more bantam. Is five too many for that size coop?
  18. Ladyblackswan

    Thoughts on what I might need to do better?

    I actually just asked Hubby to do that today...they were sliding down the ramp this morning and although my daughter enjoyed the show, I was thinking they needed a little purchase. He also said something about putting some shingles on the ramp so they don't slide when it starts to snow. I was...
  19. Ladyblackswan

    Thoughts on what I might need to do better?

    My husband's been working on an "upcycled" coop for our little backyard flock and it's our first attempt at a homemade coop. Its about 5x5 and nice and tall so they have a nice perch. We made one large nesting box on the outside. The door to the "chicken plank" is off in this photo, but it does...
  20. Ladyblackswan

    CMBF Show Oct 7 Windsor Fairgrounds, Windsor Maine

    Thank you for all your help, I hope to get there!
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