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  1. Spaceglider8

    IDEAL HATCHERY-Customer Service Issues a Problem?

    UPDATE: I have 10 of my reds and layers left, none of the sebrights are left from my buddies order, and none of the orloffs or ameraucanas. I just am shocked. We took basketfuls of birds out every day during the first cold spell and four or five every day til the remainder was left, it was if...
  2. Spaceglider8

    IDEAL HATCHERY-Customer Service Issues a Problem?

    I was wondering what breeds you ordered from them this past season? After talking to a bunch of folks we either believe theres a disease on some of the stock there or theres so much inbreeding with a few breeds they are just weak--it'd be nice to find out rather than just have these issues pop...
  3. Spaceglider8

    What Breeds do you believe to be the BEST Foragers?

    I think the mixed breeds are the best if you can find an old farmer that has some kind of a mix of an egg breed coupled with a larger bantam, or even colored egg layer mix. We had chickens from this ole boy near Weldon Valley, Colorado years ago and you never could get rid of the chickens, they...
  4. Spaceglider8

    IDEAL HATCHERY-Customer Service Issues a Problem?

    A friend of mine ordered through me 100 mixed Sebrights this past summer, most arrived in good shape and were looking decent until about 3 days into it when they started to die. This has continued until he has about 20 left I believe, and the ones left do not look right, crooked legs, feathering...
  5. Spaceglider8

    Problems with NORTHERN guinea buyers from Ideal Hatchery

    just as an update: Guineas from Country Hatchery, OK: 2 dead due to accidental deaths. Guineas from Ideal Hatchery: 13 dead out of 25. No explanation. One mild night down to 55 degrees and they perish.
  6. Spaceglider8

    IDEAL HATCHERY-Customer Service Issues a Problem?

    thank you SO MUCH! What really threw me was how the entire summer everything was great, I ordered no less than FIVE TIMES from them. Then all the sudden I get these terse emails from someone and acting like I was a kid trying to get free money or ???? More than anything, it made me sad. I think...
  7. Spaceglider8

    IDEAL HATCHERY-Customer Service Issues a Problem?

    I would REALLY like to know if anyone here has had problems with Ideal Hatchery and their customer service? I was working with someone there about a sebright order where I was having 5 to 7 birds die per DAY while my Russian Orloffs and Ameraucanas were doing fine, plus my order of OE Bantams...
  8. Spaceglider8

    Cruel disposal of unwanted chicks?

    I have gotten a lot of young birds in this year, and I can see how some grow faster than others, feather out, etc--so when I see that I can understand somewhat how its not market feasible to butcher all those roosters after feeding them up to what may be ten to twelve weeks depending on the...
  9. Spaceglider8

    Problems with NORTHERN guinea buyers from Ideal Hatchery

    I usually end up ordering 30 from any of the places I have gotten them. I also got ahold of Ideal a few days ago, and told them this has happened over and over again, we finally came up with the one factor in ordering from them is that it has ALWAYS been in late summer and its always been very...
  10. Spaceglider8

    6+ Large Fowl Spangled Russian Orloff Hatching Eggs

    we are getting to that cruddy time here in Colorado where its HOT terrible during the day and then that desert cold at night here on the Plains, so I am keeping your address nearby here and will hopefully get some next spring early summer! I will take some pics and let you critique what you see!
  11. Spaceglider8

    Problems with NORTHERN guinea buyers from Ideal Hatchery

    I've ordered guineas from Cackle, no problems. From Country Hatchery in OK, no problems. But EVERY time I order guineas from Ideal I lose half of them, or ALL of them the minute colder weather hits...even if they are full grown...why is this happening???
  12. Spaceglider8

    Cruel disposal of unwanted chicks?

    We had some standard cochin mixes that we let grow up a bit too long, and like someone said they were I quit bbqing them and put them in the chicken and rice crock pot. If nothing else, I figured I could strain the meat out and use them for boillion (sp) flavor...and yep...
  13. Spaceglider8

    6+ Large Fowl Spangled Russian Orloff Hatching Eggs

    ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS! I wish I would have joined byc earlier, I just ordered 25 of these from Ideal but prefer breeders chicks to hatcheries hands down.
  14. Spaceglider8


    Cackle Hatchery has something like the Happy Cackle special or like that, it has a couple ducks, a couple geese, etc. so you can get a few of everything. Also, I've ordered guineas from them year after year and they always arrive alive and live a good long time until coyote visits...(therefore...
  15. Spaceglider8

    What kind of mite, how do i kill them?

    I've used Ivermectin drops but you MUST be very careful with it, you can poison a bird if you give them too much. Theres usually someone in a local pigeon club if you have one that has the right instructions on how to do it on the skin also, instead of giving it to them orally, but I have not...
  16. Spaceglider8

    Cruel disposal of unwanted chicks?

    Quote: Originally Posted by stoneunhenged I'll save you a trip out of country. Canonizing is not illegal in the US. (this made me...
  17. Spaceglider8

    Cruel disposal of unwanted chicks?

    As an evangelical pastor (meaning, conservative--but not fundamentalist, nor am I liberal in all my understandings of the Bible), I see everyone's concerns here and it concerns myself also as a chicken/pheasant person. We raise eggs for eating, but we only order straight runs in getting new...
  18. Spaceglider8

    best foraging chicken breed

    I think I would go with something like a Sumatra and jungle fowl mix for bug eating, and if you can find the eggs you may well get some out of them too. The problem with tree roosting forage breeds is you have to often times search for your eggs as much as they search for their food...:/
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