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  1. pbnjellyfish

    why is...

    Why is the inside of the shell of colored eggs white but the outside is brown or green or what ever color? What is it that makes eggs different colors?
  2. pbnjellyfish

    what do you do?

    I have 3 chickens in a small coop - 4'x4'. During the summer I changed the bedding/litter once a week (I use pine shavings). Not looking forward to weekly cleanings in the cold and snow this winter. How often do you change your chickens bedding? Do you poop scoop between changings?
  3. pbnjellyfish

    how do I winterize my chickens

    During the winter where I live it commonly gets down in the teen and single digit temperatures and stays there for weeks. I am assuming that since my chickens are not smart enough to get out of the rain they will not be smart enough to get out of the cold either. Is it necessary to lock them...
  4. pbnjellyfish

    Hen with soccer ball*Hope was killed*10/29

    I haven't seen any updates for a few days. How is Hope doing?
  5. pbnjellyfish

    bantam duck

    We went to our state fair yesterday and in the poultry display I saw the cutest thing I have ever seen! The registration tag on the cage said it was a bantam duck! I had never seen or heard about a bantam duck. I didn't know there was such a thing. Can anyone tell me about them?
  6. pbnjellyfish

    How Much Do Chickens Really Eat?

    I only have 3 chickens but I have never actually weighed their food or limited them on how much I give them. I thought they were supposed to have food available at all times so I make sure their feeders are always full. Maybe that is just a baby chick thing. I keep one feeder in the coop for...
  7. pbnjellyfish

    what's this behavior?

    2 of my 3 hens will run toward each other, stick their chests out and kind of bump each other and then stare at each other for a few seconds. They do it quite often. Sometimes they jump in the air at each other. The other hen is never involved. Is this a dominance thing?
  8. pbnjellyfish

    escaped chicken

    Please don't think I am dumb...just a first time chicken owner. We have 3 sweet little chickens that we love very much. One of them is being very naughty and escaping from the back yard. She doesn't do it every night but when she does it is usually in the evenings around 7:00 or so, about the...
  9. pbnjellyfish

    moving the chicken coop

    That would probably work. Right now the coop is in the garden area and the chickens have destroyed my garden. I want to move the coop to the other end of the yard that is just grass and then fence them off so they can't get to the garden. Or do you think it would be better to leave the coop...
  10. pbnjellyfish

    moving the chicken coop

    My chicken coop is in my back yard and I want to move it to another location in the back yard for winter. Will this freak out the chickens?
  11. pbnjellyfish

    Comb/wattle size, color and egg laying

    I have 2 Golden Sex Links and 1 Americana. They are all 20 weeks old today. One of my sex links has been laying eggs for 4 weeks now, but the other two are not. The chicken that is laying has a very large, red, well developed comb and wattle while the other chickens combs and wattles are...
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