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  1. optycal

    My Pet Chicken / Gabbard Farms Hatching Eggs BEWARE!!!

    Keep on back-pedaling, My Pet Chicken.
  2. optycal

    My Pet Chicken / Gabbard Farms Hatching Eggs BEWARE!!!

    That was quite possibly the most insulting reply I've ever received from a company. You apologize that I'm not happy, ignore the fact your company was deceptive, and then dismiss my anger by telling me how happy YOU would be to get all splash chickens? Is THAT the level of customer service you...
  3. optycal

    Gasping, puffy, 8-week-old pullet (MyPetChicken)

    She passed away at 5:10 am. I'm still hoping someone might have a suggestion for the weird puffy chicken thing. Granted, it's a very small number out of a large flock (6 total over the past 2 years from more than 20 - 30 chickens at any given moment), but any deaths are significant as far as...
  4. optycal

    Gasping, puffy, 8-week-old pullet (MyPetChicken)

    My 8-week-old Blue Ameraucana pullet is gasping, lethargic, and very puffy. She started looking puffy three days ago. Last night we noticed she was not perched on the porch with the rest of the flock, so we searched in the dark and found her under the porch. We brought her inside immediately...
  5. optycal

    Blue Ameraucana babies hatching right now!

    Lap chickens! There are three in the photo, and the 4th was working on hatching when I took this picture. We lost the 5th one because I chose not to intervene. She was 48 hours late, but had been perfectly healthy all along. I candled the last egg at 5 pm and saw her moving. At 6 pm she was...
  6. optycal

    Blue Ameraucana babies hatching right now!

    I know I don't post a lot, but I lurk pretty much every day. I'm just so excited right now, I had to post. My babies are hatching right now! *happy squee* After the last disastrous hatch (all 7 died in the shell) I was completely anxious for this hatch to go well. The farm I got them from has...
  7. optycal

    My Pet Chicken / Gabbard Farms Hatching Eggs BEWARE!!!

    I am right there with you on My Pet Chicken. I ordered some day-old chicks from them and I'm very angry to report they sent me ALL SPLASH, not blue or black Ameraucana. If I'd ordered hatching eggs, I'd be fine with hatching out splash instead (because it's a gamble with eggs), but to send me...
  8. optycal

    Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

    THANK YOU for the replies, folks. I knew I could count on you guys to help me here. I didn't know there was a color chart. Is it here on the site, by any chance? I have a couple EEs in my flock currently, and they lay those huge green eggs, so I was really worried when these...
  9. optycal

    Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

    HELP! In my continuing quest for an all blue/black Ameraucana flock, I ordered some eggs from someone in NY (I'm in Washington state) who claimed they were purebred BLUE/BLACK and Lavender Ameraucanas. Well, I happen to have some purebred Ameraucana hens and one rooster (from a very trustworthy...
  10. optycal

    My Pet Chicken / Gabbard Farms Hatching Eggs BEWARE!!!

    Update on my Gabbard Farms babies. 4 out of 7 hatched, one dead in the shell, though one passed away right after hatching. She was extremely tired--her hatch took a very long time. One of the 4 that hatched (we call him "2 of 7" (or #2), a Star Trek reference, lol) pipped the wrong end, and I...
  11. optycal

    My Pet Chicken / Gabbard Farms Hatching Eggs BEWARE!!!

    I'm sorry to hear your little baby didn't make it. So difficult to see them work that hard to hatch, only to expire before they can get free =(
  12. optycal

    Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

    Hatching my first Blue Ameraucanas now! So far 3 are out and resting. A 4th is zipping as we speak. I had to help "2 of 7" (Borg reference, lol) because she was breech. She's very tired, but peeping a lot and standing now and then <3 Pretty sure two of the eggs are no-go, but we'll see. This...
  13. optycal

    My Pet Chicken / Gabbard Farms Hatching Eggs BEWARE!!!

    I am currently listening to 3 of my 7 Gabbard Farms Blue Ameraucanas chirp inside their pipped eggs! This is one day early, so I'm holding out hope the other 4 will pip soon. This will be my second try with Gabbard Farms (shipped all the way to Washington state.) Last year, most were...
  14. optycal

    How early and how often do you candle your eggs?

    Lockdown is when the incubator stops (or YOU stop) turning the eggs. They need to sit still for a couple days (chickens, don't know about any other birds) before they hatch.
  15. optycal

    Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

    Anyone know where I can get blues and blacks in Washington state? I wasn't able to find any breeders locally this past spring so I ordered eggs online. The post office scrambled them good =( So, no chicks for me. At this point, I'd be willing to pay just about anything and to drive pretty far...
  16. optycal

    Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

    Hello! I've been on the site off and on for many years, but don't post much. I'm between Gig Harbor and Port Orchard on a little farm near Carney Lake. Currently I have 4 Easter Eggers, 3 Reds, 2 Black Australorps (SP?), a Turken, and 6 ducks. What I'm really hoping for is to find a local...
  17. optycal

    Chicks arrived in the mail, one is paralyzed!

    Two weeks is great! What a lucky little baby to have a human companion like you! <3
  18. optycal

    Chicks arrived in the mail, one is paralyzed!

    I'm very sad to report that Gimpy passed away this evening in my arms. She stopped eating this morning and was lethargic. I kept her wrapped in a blanket and carried her around with me all day, offering water and chick gel and feed every 30 minutes or so. She just chirped once and closed her...
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