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  1. canard

    Pekin Duck Club!

    Nate1* I have never experienced having a duck with no nostrils. Best advice... find an avian vet or any vet willing to help. Birds bleed easily so I would seek professional help if at all possible. I believe the beaks are made of keratin. I know you want to help the little fella. Proceed...
  2. canard

    Post Your Pekin duck pics here

    It looks like you have an Indian Runner & a Pekin. Some people do a procedure called "venting" but I have read & heard you can damage a duck if done improperly, so I wouldn't go there. Wait a few months & the boys will develop a curly drake tail feather on the tip of their rear.
  3. canard

    Post Your Pekin duck pics here

    (Photos Copyright 2014 - All rights reserved - J.M.) Swimming Welcome home, Duck Mama
  4. canard

    Post Your Pekin duck pics here

    All the new ducklings are so cute!!! My Pekin were playing in the mud. This picture reminds me of the stripe of mud one gets on one's back if riding a bike without fenders on a rainy day!! (Photos: copyright 2014 - all rights reserved - J.M.)
  5. canard

    how do ducks show they love you?

    Toowoombapekins, I think they find little bugs in the straw. I think they also enjoy that is is dry and snuggly after they leave the other straw all wet and poopy.
  6. canard

    how do ducks show they love you?

    Twowoombapekins... my ducks absolutely LOVE fresh straw. They have a special happy honking noise they make when they see it. Mine are very social with us too.
  7. canard

    how do ducks show they love you?

    Three of the four I adopted don't want me to pet them. The drake occasionally doesn't run away squaking.
  8. canard

    how do ducks show they love you?

    When I had runners, Khakis and Pekin, the Khakis & Runners were more skittish. I also had taken them in when they were a few weeks old. Because they were more high strung & didn't imprint on me, they weren't too cuddly. I raised most of the Pekin as day old ducks. I did take in 4 more adult...
  9. canard

    Pekin Duck Club!

    The only thing mine didn't like was raw carrots.... too hard to eat without teeth. Rkirk, I bet they gobble up those apple bites. They seem to love sweet things. Mine like finding bugs, eating leaves of safe plants (though I do have to chase them away from poison ivy), lots of veggies & some...
  10. canard

    Pekin Duck Club!

    Younger.... sometimes I have run out of veggies.... i feel so bad. They always look for a handout. I heat up peas with hot faucet water in a strainer. Not only do they love them... the warmed up peas keep them snuggly warm in winter & the cold ones cool them down like popsicles in summer...
  11. canard

    Do duck eggs taste like chicken eggs?

    Btw: don't give RAW eggs to ducks. It gives them niacin deficiency.
  12. canard

    Do duck eggs taste like chicken eggs?

    Duck eggs are stronger in taste than chicken eggs. The yolks are rich golden yellow in color. If I make an omelette, I use one out of 3 egg yolks. They are so rich, I get nausea from plain cooked duck eggs. I add cheese and veggies to any stove cooked duck eggs. It might help to use a little...
  13. canard

    How many Ducks does everyone have.

    Plus 10 Pekin = 3876...
  14. canard

    Pekin Duck Club!

    It's like their wings act as a propeller when they fly-run, cuz they move themselves forward faster.
  15. canard

    Pekin Duck Club!

    I did just see a few fly a few feet (barely off the ground) cuz they saw I had peas & didn't want to miss out!
  16. canard

    Pekin Duck Club!

    My Pekin fly-run when they are excited or trying to get somewhere faster. Very rarely, I will see them fly a few feet off the ground for a few yards, but not often. They have such heavy bodies and short legs. When I used to have runners and Khakis, some of them flew more. A few campbells...
  17. canard

    Any crazies out there like me with a diapered duck in the house?

    Everyone's pictures are so cute!!!!!! I bet most of you are like me and your friends and family just don't get how pet-like ducks can be. There is this connection much like dog to man no one but other duck owners seems to see or believe. Diamond88.... Your snuggly duck pictures are adorable...
  18. canard

    HELP! Can I still save my duck? :(

    You could always offer the calcium free choice.
  19. canard

    HELP! Can I still save my duck? :(

    Very sad to see any duck die of natural causes, disappear or die from predation. It is so hard to have to decide to put an animal down. You made the humane choice. I didn't know your duck but I realize I have tears in my eyes. Ducks are so sweet & innocent. They are our little feathered...
  20. canard

    Any crazies out there like me with a diapered duck in the house?

    Thanks for the good info, token13.
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