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  1. pgrommesh

    Is it too late for my broody Buff Orpington to set on hatching eggs?? She's been broody for a few da

    I put fertile eggs under my Broody after 5 days and she sat on them for 22 before they hatched, and continued to keep them warm for 3 weeks after hatch. My only experience - I'd go for it, but YMMV.
  2. pgrommesh

    OHio ~ Come on Buckeyes, let me know your out there!

    I know in Columbus the rules to get chickens are beyond rediculous. I've never looked into Hilliard, but would guess since its all Franklin county you still have the same rules. There is a thread in the laws section about it, but as I remember it goes like this: Present plans of proposed coop...
  3. pgrommesh

    Setting Eggs Sept. 24th-Oct. 4th-Last Hatch of the Year. Anyone care to join me?

    Hey Everyone; my Broody Hen did it! 5 of the 8 eggs hatched between day 22.5 and day 23. I checked the other 3 eggs and they were just stink. That was this morning, I came home to only find 4 chicks under my Hen, the smallest one is just gone. Not too sure what happened or where the chick...
  4. pgrommesh

    How to Get Urban Chickens in Columbus, Ohio

    Bumpity Bump - I live in Orient and have 3 friends in Columbus who want chickens and it sucks to see all of the Bull that they would have to go through...
  5. pgrommesh

    Setting Eggs Sept. 24th-Oct. 4th-Last Hatch of the Year. Anyone care to join me?

    Hey everyone - it is getting near that time for my little eggies. I have a broody hen who has done a good job, it is her first time and my first time as well, she is a 6 month old Cochin. Need some advice - day 21 is Monday, I havnt moved her out of the coop yet, but am concerned for a few...
  6. pgrommesh

    Setting Eggs Sept. 24th-Oct. 4th-Last Hatch of the Year. Anyone care to join me?

    I set 8 eggs under my Broody Cochin today, they will be from a white rock rooster with white rock and golden comet hens. Got the eggs from a local old man who had a rooster and 10 hens together. Never hatched eggs before so this will be fun =) I dont have a rooster right now so I couldnt use...
  7. pgrommesh

    OHio ~ Come on Buckeyes, let me know your out there!

    Hey ! Found a local who kept a rooster with his 10 hens, so he gave me the 9 eggs that he hadn't put in the refrigerator yet for 2 bucks. She started sitting on them today, cant wait for whatever will happen!
  8. pgrommesh

    OHio ~ Come on Buckeyes, let me know your out there!

    Hey you locals! Just had my puffiest Cochin go broody, first time I've ever had a chicken go broody and would like to take advantage of it, my rooster is still a cockerell so he is of no help to me for this. I live in the Orient/Mt sterling area - anyone in Columbus, london, circleville etc...
  9. pgrommesh

    Changing their feed - Is my thought correct?

    Well last Friday they broke ans ate about 6 lbs of food. After the one day binge they have only gone through about 5 lbs of food in the last 7 days. I know they find a lot in the 2 hours that they get to free range but something tells me something is still not right. Egg production is still...
  10. pgrommesh

    OHio ~ Come on Buckeyes, let me know your out there!

    We may be in the same city.
  11. pgrommesh

    Changing their feed - Is my thought correct?

    So originally I was mixing 1:1 scratch with regular feed, because I liked that I could tell what they were eating and thought it would be better. I have since realized that this was wrong and I had the sneaking suspicion that they were not eating any of their chicken food and eating only...
  12. pgrommesh

    Secret nest found!

    For me egg size can really vary. We have 3 blue egg layers and we got 3 40-45 gram eggs one day then the next I got a 78 gram egg.
  13. pgrommesh

    HELP...My chickens are dying!!!

    At 4 oz per 50 gallons that would be 4/5 an ounce per 10 gallons which is 24 ml or basically 1 tbsp + 2 tsp. 1 tbsp= 1/2 an ounce or 15 ml. 1 tsp= 1/6 an ounce, 5ml or 1/3 a tbsp
  14. pgrommesh

    All chicks DOA via USPS, what now?

    4 days in a box will probably kill any animal. Sunday delivery from usps isn't normal so it sounds like they just wanted to get rid of the stinky box...
  15. pgrommesh

    How much feed do you go through a month??

    I have 17 full size chickens, they eat about 6 lbs per day and can free range 3 acres for 1/2 of most days. I dont have a lot of shade, so the days that it is overcast they eat quite a bit less due to foraging.
  16. pgrommesh

    OHio ~ Come on Buckeyes, let me know your out there!

    Hey everyone - I live just south of Columbus and have 17 Chickens. I bought 6 around March 3rd, and me and the wife liked them so much we bought another 11 around April 20th. We have... 1 RiR Rooster 1 Rir Hen 2 New Hampshire Red Hens 2 White Rock Hens 7 Cochin Hens 3 Americauna (supposedly)...
  17. pgrommesh

    Trying to understand needed coop size

    I dont think you will have a problem with it being too cold in Sonoma Ca, even with the occasional 20 F. thats not cold enough as long as your coop isnt completely drafty. I'd say build it in the shade. In a perfect world I would say a few hours of sun in the morning and the rest of the day shade.
  18. pgrommesh

    Trying to understand needed coop size

    I have 16 hens and a Roo and my coop is 48 sq ft (8x6ft), that's about 3 sqft per bird and I couldn't imagine it being much smaller or having more birds. I have a run that is 8ft x 24ft (192 sq ft) that they have access to all day long (when locked in) and they have created a wasteland of the...
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