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  1. yorkchick

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    Hello, Michigan peeps! I haven’t been here in like forever, but I see a few names I remember, thank goodness, along with a lot of newer (to me!) names (also thank goodness for that!) Back in the day, I had chickens, geese, turkeys, and peafowl. I eventually stopped acquiring birds due to...
  2. yorkchick

    A little advice needed please.

    Those are some really cute birds! :love
  3. yorkchick

    A little advice needed please.

    At one time, I had a completely ridiculous rooster-to-hen ratio (if I recall correctly, it was 3 roosters to 4 hens) and it worked just fine. The roosters did some minor posturing, but no fights. There was some minor feather loss due to breeding behavior on the hens‘ backs, but nothing of...
  4. yorkchick

    Advice on outside pen for peacock

    Will do! I have to say, I am so fortunate in my friends. This project would still be on the back burner if not for their help and motivation. My friend Lisa especially has a lot of construction skills and has been helping me figure how to get this done. She says she wants to be there when...
  5. yorkchick

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    Hi, Muttsfan! Many thanks to you, Folly’s Place, and Snowflake for your advice over on the other thread. Michigan peeps FTW (as usual :yesss:) As to whether Maurice appreciates my efforts... :lau Ummm, pretty sure he looks at me as his jailer. According to him, he was doing juuuusssst...
  6. yorkchick

    Advice on outside pen for peacock

    KsKingBe—thank you! Your place is marvelous! You are living the dream (and no doubt have been working your backside off for years to create and maintain it) :bow This is the flight netting I have, not sure what weight it is. I got it from a neighbor who used it to cover his chicken run (he...
  7. yorkchick

    Advice on outside pen for peacock

    Arrrgh. Snow load! Yep. That will be a problem. I have 1/2” hardware cloth that I was going to cover the 2” x 4” woven wire fencing, at least the first 3 to 4 feet up. That way I can do the hardware cloth in smaller sections, easier to handle and I can do it without help.
  8. yorkchick

    Advice on outside pen for peacock

    Oooo, yeah, forgot about covering the staples! Yeah, we used galvanized fencing staples. I’ll get them covered with boards! We have raccoons and coyotes. And foxes. Always the possibility of stray dogs, although we don’t see them generally around here. The last confirmed black bear...
  9. yorkchick

    Advice on outside pen for peacock

    The electric wire is a good idea! I’m sure raccoons can get onto the roof of the barn and then onto the top of the pen, though, so wouldn’t need to climb the pen itself. 😖
  10. yorkchick

    Advice on outside pen for peacock

    Thank you! I’m waiting for the peafowl folks to chime in, but what I remember is there is a danger if they can see sky, they will try to fly up. The ceiling in his room is solid, so no worries there. Maybe hardware cloth would be dense enough to provide a visual barrier?
  11. yorkchick

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    Well, I have finally made progress on improving life for my poor lonely peacock, Maurice. I am paranoid about his safety since I have had so many losses to predators, and he’s been very safe in the barn... but I’m sure also lonely and booooored. I started a thread over on the Peafowl section...
  12. yorkchick

    Advice on outside pen for peacock

    I have one peacock, acquired as a stray that showed up at a neighbor’s house. He currently lives in a room in my barn that is about 11‘ by 13’ feet. Right now Maurice is my only bird—I have had chickens, geese, and turkeys that free ranged in the past, in secure housing at night, but there are...
  13. yorkchick

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    Here’s the DitchWitch currently hanging out in our neighborhood. According to code, apparently all over Michigan, the frost line has been declared to be 42 inches...
  14. yorkchick

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    This is great info, thank you both!
  15. yorkchick

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    Hello! I just started wondering how all the Michigan peeps are doing in this strange time. Personally we are healthy and taking the self-isolation thing seriously. Luckily, the DH is able to work from home. Me, I can’t work as a dental hygienist. My other job, sometimes referred to by me as...
  16. yorkchick

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    Ummmm.... I blame Raz??. That whole “shower and put on deodorant before you come” thing was way too much pressure? :plbb Okay, that’s not why. I fell off the BYC map a few years ago. But lately I’ve been lurking on the Michigan thread. I marked Chickenstock on my calendar. I have some...
  17. yorkchick

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    Darn spy window! Can't get away with anything! Hi, chickflick! Hi, everybody! Yep, finally caught up again... Question for @Trefoil , or anyone else with peafowl--how long do the hens lay in the fall? My pretty little Eloise is still giving me a few eggs a week. She showed up as a...
  18. yorkchick

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    LOL! Pullets can be very silly when they first start to lay! I'll bet she lays another egg today. One of mine in particular (Kiko, Silver Laced Wyandotte) got almost frantic when she first started laying this spring--she'd rush all about, in and out of the nest boxes, and also trying out...
  19. yorkchick

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    Probably no more classes till next year--they did two of them this year on consecutive Saturdays, using birds that were raised on the farm. I was in the second of the two classes, and I think we processed all the birds they had left. I was kind of glad to see they were Red Rangers and not the...
  20. yorkchick

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    So yesterday I took a class called Chicken Butchering 101. I've started getting my feed again at a farm in Superior Township that Raz originally mentioned--they run a sort of buying cooperative and you can sign up to get organic chicken feed, for less than organic runs at the local feed mill...
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