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  1. caz426

    Mixing duck breeds

    Thank you so much!! I wouldn't mind getting more Pekins, but I would like the opportunity have other breeds too! Will make sure it's a larger breed, he's going to be lonely for a while as the little ones grow. Any idea what age they'd be ok being introduced to the drake. I was guessing about 4-6...
  2. caz426

    Mixing duck breeds

    Have a quick question... I have a year old Pekin who lost his mate over the winter. I am looking to get 2 female ducklings this spring . My question is do I have to get Pekins.. or will can he pair up with a different breed, if so what kind. We are not looking to breed ducks, we can't even eat...
  3. caz426

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    Hello neighbor!! I'm in Willis . I'm new to chickens too... I've had my girls since April and I love them. I honestly can't understand why everyone doesn't keep chickens. I have a White Leghorn, a Buff Orpington and and Easter Egger.... I think they are all great. Each has their own...
  4. caz426

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    My white leghorn is an egg laying machine!!! Started laying really early too! Those silkies in sweaters are adorable! Makes me want a silkie even more!
  5. caz426

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    I originally tried to get Peep to use the chicken coop. I lifted him up to the coop until I had a wide ramp made and he did use it once. When I let him out he would kinda fall off ledge and didn't even try to use the ramp. He then refused to use it... regardless of how may peas I tried to bribe...
  6. caz426

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    Thanks for all the suggestions for lining the nest boxes. It's always the pointy end of the egg... I assume that end comes out first? So I know they are breaking when they plop out. I have 2 nest boxes and only 2 hens laying so I know it's not an overcrowding issue!
  7. caz426

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    Wow... Lots of posts to catch up on. Those silkie chicks are adorable. All the baby chicks are cute. Chickens are just awesome!! I think my BO may be getting close to laying. She spent a lot of time in the coop today and was checking out the nesting boxes. I'm having a lot of eggs break in the...
  8. caz426

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    Oh no! Hope they go easy on you! Beautiful dog!! Seems someone thought the mulch would look better all over the side walk. I was only gone about an hour.... the girls have been busy...
  9. caz426

    Anyone have pictures of their duck shelters?

    I am using a plastic doghouse just big enough for them to snuggle up in at night. During the day they have a fenced in area to run around in. The plastic is easy to hose out. I use a mix of straw and pine chips to line it and change that out 2 times a week.
  10. caz426

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    Yeah... I snickered too... but NOT out loud!
  11. caz426

    Ate my first straight up duck egg today!

    Thank you!! It seems that my husband is allergic to duck eggs... I used 1 in pancakes this morning and he was sick all afternoon. He doesn't want to see another duck egg!
  12. caz426

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    Guess DH is allergic to duck eggs... last weekend he was sick after the scrambled eggs. Today I made pancakes and used a duck egg and he was sick again... He doesn't want to see another duck egg... EVER! Also, he's not in any hurry for me to cook him breakfast anytime soon .
  13. caz426

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    Stacy- So sorry to hear about your little goat. I would be crushed too. Hello to all the new members, I'm fairly new around here too. Everyone here is fantastic!! Busy weekend, went to the South Lyon pumpkin festival with my sister and all the kiddos. Today doing some housework, cleaned out...
  14. caz426

    2012 Updated MI Thread Member List

    caz426 Chris Willis Washtenaw
  15. caz426

    Ate my first straight up duck egg today!

    We have not grown to love duck eggs yet... had them scrambled a few times and they were okay. I would like to try the frying/steaming method. I have baked with them and they made the best muffins ever. Have a question though.... I have read conflicting info on subbing duck eggs for chicken eggs...
  16. caz426

    Whoo Hoo!!!!!!!!! Finally got some eggs

    Love getting those first eggs! I have a pair of Pekins. They have their own fenced off area to run, because the drake started trying to mount the chickens... I let them out of the duck house at around 7:30 everyday and she's usually laid her egg by then.
  17. caz426

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    Yeah... me too. We never planned to get a duck, but my father in law picked 2 when he went to get the chickens. We took one cause Noah thought it was cute. We went from just having a few chickens to having a pair of ducks (when ours turned out to be a boy)... and now they have their own yard and...
  18. caz426

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    Jackpot! I knew they were laying somewhere...
  19. caz426

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    Do they sell it at Tractor Supply? Right now I'm using straw mixed with pine shavings, but am looking for something better for the ducks. They are in a small dog house at night and I have to change the bedding and hose it out every few days... I am thinking that is going to not be so fun in the...
  20. caz426

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    That would be something to see! Hilarious! Those chicks are so cute!!
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