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  1. Doubleyolker

    I caught a raccoon & another & another ***GRAPHIC PICS*** pic heavy

    Omg I really did laugh out loud thanks, I needed that
  2. Doubleyolker

    Right decision to cull?

    Add a vote on your side. Roo had to go! This time he drew blood. what if next time he gother her eye? It has happened. I always wondered how the conversation would go when you explained to your child that they needed surgery to repair their face. AND you were warned and failed to...
  3. Doubleyolker

    Adding more chickens/chicks to my chicken

    welcome from Colorado! You will get great advice here. I have 6 girls who are 34 weeks old and lay pretty much every day. We have one barred rock and she is one of my favorites. good luck and have fun
  4. Doubleyolker

    Nothing Could Be Finer

    wow great shots. would make wonderful prints
  5. Doubleyolker

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    6 for 6! mixed flock hatch date 8/12 we also got a jumbo egg this week. Im not sure I can tell who is laying which egg.
  6. Doubleyolker

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    so sad. Some questions never get answered. Good friends lost their only son in his senior year. Being a farm kid he drove when his feet reached the peddles. On the road to town at the crest of a hill , he drifted to the center and had a head on with a semi who was also over center. John was...
  7. Doubleyolker

    Disappointing Kitchen Accessories

    Love my dishwasher, I have a kitchenaid and I scrape my dishes but no pre rinsing. I cant hand wash them and get them as clean and sterilized. A normal load takes less than 5 gal and I know I would use more if I hand wash. And I HATE washing dishes!! My slow cooker gets used a lot. I use...
  8. Doubleyolker

    Hello from Colorado!

    Welcome ! we are in Fountain and have 6 pullets that just started laying in December. We have learned so much on this site and I know my chickens are better for it. good luck
  9. Doubleyolker

    Egg turner...why why why??!

    I just wanted to add to all the dh who still know how to "fix" things. My Handsome can just about fix anything . He jumped on board this addiction and never complains when he ends up hauling feed and water. hugs to hubbies
  10. Doubleyolker

    Can anyone recommend an egg cooker machine?

    I have a food steamer that has an egg setting . It works great . I rinsed under cold water and the eggs peeled nicely .
  11. Doubleyolker

    Please Help Emergency

    yes, I give it im ( in the muscle) in the breast. I had a scarlet macaw that I fostered for a local bird rescue. Its pretty easy. Have your friend show you.
  12. Doubleyolker

    Our First Egg has Arrived

    congrats! how eggciting
  13. Doubleyolker

    You Feathered Friends lost one of your own.

    sorry to hear of your loss. It is amazing how the shared passion can join so many of us. I will miss her posts Bet that the chickens at the bridge have a new friend.
  14. Doubleyolker

    Ideas for homemade heated waterers

    look up the "cookie tin " Water heaters in the forums. These are neat little homemade water heaters that are " cheep" to make as well as being safe.
  15. Doubleyolker

    Hello from the UK!

    Welcome from Colorado! I also suffer from the chicken disease. I suggest two overeasy eggs for breakfast. and post here daily!
  16. Doubleyolker

    Found a Puppy on the side of the road.

    she is brindle I love the color.
  17. Doubleyolker

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    4 out of 6 so pleased with being so young. and its been soooooo cold.
  18. Doubleyolker

    Wet or dry shell grit ???? - and other questions from a novice chook owner

    I offer both to our girls. Hubby got two of the rabbit feeders which are kinda a hopper thing. He placed them high enough on the wall so they could reach in but shavings dont get kicked in the feeder. works really well.
  19. Doubleyolker

    Worms! Worms! Worm! Help

    I saw acv with mother at walmart. Looked just like the stuff I got at the health food store . Its Heitz brand raw unfiltered all natural etc said it was "new"
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