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  1. Orchidsilkie

    Roswell Rescue Dogs

    Hi everyone! During spring break, which is next week, my family and I will be transporting two dogs (possibly three) to Colorado. They come from Roswell, NM. The animal situation is extremely bad there. One is a lab mix, and the other is a German Shepard. Pictures will come as soon as the dogs...
  2. Orchidsilkie

    Anything Like This Available?

    Hello BYC! As you may already know, my family and I are in the process of getting chickens. There is only one problem. We do not live near any of our friends or relatives, and we do not want to hire someone to take care of our chickens that we do not know. Is there something we can put in the...
  3. Orchidsilkie

    Anyone A Nifty Sewer?

    Hi everyone! I have a sewing machine, but I can't find the bobbin case! I know, that's probably really bad. Here's a picture, can anyone tell me the type of the sewing machine? I know it's a Brother, but I don't know much else. If you have ANY info on it, please let me know. THANKS!
  4. Orchidsilkie

    Renaissance Costume by Tuesday or Wednesday?

    Hello everyone! Ok, so here's the scoop: Tuesday OR Wednesday (gonna ask tomarrow) is "Blast From The Past Day" at school, and since Renaissance is my favorite time period, I thought it would be easy to come up with a costume in time and that it would look really cool. I. Was. DEAD. WRONG...
  5. Orchidsilkie

    Can You Help Me With This?

    Hi everyone! I'm looking for a free website maker that I can upload videos on, but I do not want one that wants you to upload them on Youtube or something first. The entire reason I want to create this website is so I don't have to upload my videos on Youtube. Please help me if you know a...
  6. Orchidsilkie

    Happy Fourth Of July!!!

    Hi everyone! Just got back from the fireworks display! It was really cool, even though we have a firework ban lol. Don't worry, I took lots of pictures! Happy Fourth Of July BYC!
  7. Orchidsilkie

    Are Chickens Ok With Box Turtles?

    Hello everyone! I think I might type in purple now.... Anyway, I might be moving soon and getting chickens! Backyard Chickens of course! But, I also have box turtles in my backyard that we will be taking with us. Will the chickens bother the turtles and possibly harm them? I don't want anyone...
  8. Orchidsilkie

    Anyone Have Any Experience WIth Privett Hatchery?

    Hai everyone! We are finally thinking about getting some chickesn! We live near Privett Hatchery, and would like to know if anybody has anything that we should know before ordering from this hatchery. Thanks!
  9. Orchidsilkie

    Plant Grow-Along, anyone?

    Hi everyone! I planted some seeds ( Carrots, Jalapenos, and Bachelor's Buttons to be specific) and I was just wondering if anyone would want to do a Grow-along instead of a Hatch-along! You would need to plant some seeds today, and maybe we could turn it into a contest? Whoever's seeds sprout...
  10. Orchidsilkie

    This Is Extremely Important To Me!!!!

    Hi guys! So I saw some chicks at a feed store, and I want to convince my parents to let me get some. Can you guys post some suggestions on how to build a coop and take care of chicks for a reasonable amount of money? That would be very helpful!!! I really want these chicks, and right now, it...
  11. Orchidsilkie

    Just A Little Update On Things....

    Quite a lot has happened recently! My parents remodeled our dining room, and it looks great!!!! See for yourself, here's a pic: See? Anyway, it snowed too!!!!! It has really deep drifts in the backyard and around the car. See it with your own eyes: And here's the backyard...
  12. Orchidsilkie

    Snow On The East Coast?!

    Can anyone believe the snow that people inthe East got? Amazing, right?!?! What are you guys doing with your chickens with all this snow?!?!
  13. Orchidsilkie

    It's almost Christmas!

    Ah, the joy of Christmas! And Hanukkah, too! Anyone doing anything special this holiday season? Traveling? Starting a new tradition? Tell me about it!
  14. Orchidsilkie

    THE VACATION THREAD!!!!!!!!!!!

    hey guys, Orchidsilkie here! My family and I are thinking about going on vacation in California! If you have any vacation memories or have any suggestions on where we should go to in Carlsbad, just make a post and I will read it! Thanks, Orchidsilkie Oh wait, does anyone know...
  15. Orchidsilkie

    Does anyone know the chicken laws in Clovis, NM?

    Can someone PLEASE tell me what the chicken laws are in Clovis, NM?
  16. Orchidsilkie

    Just a few questions to ask......

    Hi everyone!! I am getting eggs in October, and I need to ask you guys: What breeds are the best for New Mexico (heat tolerant AND cold tolerant!) If anyone knows, PLEASE let me know!!!!!
  17. Orchidsilkie


    Hi!!! I just joined Backyard Chickens a couple minutes ago, and I have a TON of questions!!!! But I only really need these two answered: What brand of incubator is the best? & I have heard a lot about turning eggs in incubators. What does that mean? Do they have a special tool that flips them...
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