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  1. LoveMyQHorse

    Will a broody hen raise chicks?

    Thanks for all the input - it really is challenging to figure out best approach. My broody hen is taking very good care of her 3 adopted chicks and i have them on medicated food, so that is also part of the reason I have them seperated from the herd, sort of. By sort of, i mean i have them in...
  2. LoveMyQHorse

    Will a broody hen raise chicks?

    Ok, I've had my RIRs a couple years now, along with an adopted rooster, who wandered into the area. So my eggs are fertilized, but I haven't had a broody hen, so no chicks!! .....just this summer, one of my hens went super broody, but for some reason, two seperate groups of eggs didn't hatch...
  3. LoveMyQHorse

    Newby - First chick hatched today - help please!

    Thanks! ....lot's of helpful info! ...three happy chicks now cuddling with mom (two yellow, one black)...and one more zipping. It doesn't seem like many of the other eggs are going to hatch but i think it could take another day or two, and no pip on the big egg yet. i've decreased shavings and...
  4. LoveMyQHorse

    Grey Rooster w/light yellow accents...

    This rooster was wandering around the barn and found it's way over to my chicken run, with 5 RIR hens. He's been very sweet to the ladies and seems to have mated with one. I've seen some mean roosters and was trying to avoid it, but this boy seems very nice. I'll try to get another photo that...
  5. LoveMyQHorse

    Newby - First chick hatched today - help please!

    Hi - any help would be appreciated. I adopted a hen sitting on 15 eggs (one is a double - super big) - she nested in a horse stall that had a horse moving in!! I've had 5 RIR hens for about a year, and everything has gone well with my egg layers, but i'm not sure what to do about this hatching...
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