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  1. SunnySideUpFarm

    Comment by 'SunnySideUpFarm' in article 'Thomas Pharrs Chicken Coop'

    love your set wanting to something similar to this
  2. SunnySideUpFarm

    Comment by 'SunnySideUpFarm' in article 'Tailfeather Cottage'

    very impressive setup....
  3. SunnySideUpFarm

    Are Hot Peppers Safe for Chickens?

    ive been told that hot peppers will naturally de-worm chickens.....
  4. SunnySideUpFarm

    chickens and my fruit trees.....

    i have over 20 fruit im sure they will be in chicken heaven...
  5. SunnySideUpFarm

    chickens and my fruit trees.....

    its putting the berry plants in there pretty much for them....
  6. SunnySideUpFarm

    chickens and my fruit trees.....

    i have several different fruit trees..... i have apple, peach, plum, and mayhaw trees. i also have blueberry and muscadine plants as well. im wanting to let my chickens take care of some of my bug problems with the trees...but will they eat some/all of these fruits?
  7. SunnySideUpFarm

    chickens and fruit trees

    im wanting to allow my chickens to roam around my small orchard ive started recently....i have several apple, peach, plum, and mayhaw trees. im wanting to let my chickens eat the fruit from these trees...but i was wondering if they would help in keeping some of the bugs/worms away from the...
  8. SunnySideUpFarm

    rooster ?

  9. SunnySideUpFarm

    rooster ?

    im wanting to get around a dozen chickens....and i don't want to have to add to my flock once i have them. im wanting to get atleast 2 roosters....and im wanting to let one roam the pasture with the hens and keep one in a tractor (as my backup rooster incase anything happens to the other...
  10. SunnySideUpFarm

    growing/feeding my chickens out of my herb garden....

    will chickens eat fruit? i have many different fruit trees....
  11. SunnySideUpFarm

    growing/feeding my chickens out of my herb garden....

    i have over 20 different types of herb there any particular herbs i should avoid giving my chickens? im planning having a spot just to grow herbs for them.......
  12. SunnySideUpFarm

    The Right to Grow and Raise Your Own Food

    good info in this thread....
  13. SunnySideUpFarm

    Hello....from Sunny Side Up Farm

    thanks for all the welcome's.... i really do appreciate it.
  14. SunnySideUpFarm

    Hello....from Sunny Side Up Farm

    btw, the chickens im considering getting... mostly - new hampshire, barred rock, buff rock (i want to have/keep around 3 of each hopefully) one or 2 - rir, leghorn, fayoumis, ee
  15. SunnySideUpFarm

    Hello....from Sunny Side Up Farm

    im starting a lil homestead on 5 acres of family land. with my small farm, im wanting to grow veggies/fruits/herbs organically as well as have a small orchard. i have 6 apple trees, 2 mayhaw trees, 2 nectarine, and 1 crabapple tree. i have muscadines and blueberries as well. once i build a...
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