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  1. iheartquail

    RIP Heisenbird and Schraderbird (Breaking Bad fans will appreciate)...

    Thank you Jumbo Birdman :)
  2. iheartquail

    RIP Heisenbird and Schraderbird (Breaking Bad fans will appreciate)...

    Eat a couple of quail and everyone loses their minds!!!
  3. iheartquail

    RIP Heisenbird and Schraderbird (Breaking Bad fans will appreciate)...

    A tribute to my two quail lost due to a vicious predator attack and homage to my favorite TV show... Heisenbird- he had to be put down due to injuries from a predator attack :( Schraderbird- Missing, presumed dead :(
  4. iheartquail

    Quail predators !

    I've gotten green ones like this, solid green, purple halfway and purple fully.
  5. iheartquail

    Horrific predator attack- really bad

    Ok, I culled the little guy :( He didn't want to go. I wrapped him up with a towel and was able to do it that way. I feel awful that I waited so long.
  6. iheartquail

    Horrific predator attack- really bad

    How can I do it without causing it even more pain? I was going to but I couldn't get a hold of him and he was struggling.
  7. iheartquail

    Horrific predator attack- really bad

    Worst quail keeper ever here again with another emergency. This is a bad one. Predator attack. Raccoon or fox I think. One bird missing, presumed dead. The other severely injured. I think half his wing is ripped off. Skin above his butt either has a chunk bitten or the feathers were pulled so...
  8. iheartquail

    Urgent I think... Infected skin all around neck of Coturnix

    Oh that's a good idea to clip her wing!
  9. iheartquail

    Urgent I think... Infected skin all around neck of Coturnix

    Such an epic fail today on my end. I was trying to gently move her to clean her cage and she flew out of my hands all the way across the room. When I put her back in, her wing was drooping more than before and she was panting. I suck at keeping quail :(
  10. iheartquail

    Urgent I think... Infected skin all around neck of Coturnix

    I actually was wondering the same thing myself. Her neck seems healed but the wing still is drooping.
  11. iheartquail

    Urgent I think... Infected skin all around neck of Coturnix

    Thanks for the tip- I put in my most docile girl named "mama" with her and now she's not crying anymore. Although Mama keeps looking at me funny :)
  12. iheartquail

    Urgent I think... Infected skin all around neck of Coturnix

    She's really mad about being confined for so long even though I got her a nice indoor cage that is much bigger than the cat carrier I was keeping her in (that's what I had been using for hurt birds). She keeps calling for her other birds. She seems stressed. Her wing is still drooping but I'm...
  13. iheartquail

    Urgent I think... Infected skin all around neck of Coturnix

    Ok so something is wrong with her wing too. I hope I didn't cause this trying to clean her neck. But there was a tuft of feathers looking like they were going in the opposite direction. Well at closer look, the skin is ripped off her back. It looks awful. What can I do for the poor girl?
  14. iheartquail

    Urgent I think... Infected skin all around neck of Coturnix

    Thanks for the info on peroxide!
  15. iheartquail

    Urgent I think... Infected skin all around neck of Coturnix

    A predator could get in, but not that easily. I've secured the pen better. The wound looks like it got worse since yesterday when i started cleaning it, it's a huge scabby thing now and I think there's some greenish stuff in it. A couple weeks ago, this same bird healed perfectly from an eyeball...
  16. iheartquail

    Urgent I think... Infected skin all around neck of Coturnix

    Hi I could really use some help. One of my coturnix hens was missing all the feathers around her neck the other day and it looked bloody. I don't know if the other birds did this to her or if a predator had gotten a hold of her. I isolated her and kept it clean. I put some peroxide on the neck...
  17. iheartquail

    My coturnix quail are laying green and purple eggs!!!

    Yeah, I've been getting some of those too lately.
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