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  1. Crzy Chix Lady

    Angel wing in ducks, & how we wrap to mend it - Pictorial

    I have a goose that appears to have angel wings on both wings. He is big and about 8 weeks old. Am i too late to wrap and how effective will it be to wrap both wings? Raised with 4 ducks on chick developer, the others are fine. I swithed them over to meat Bird feed a couple weeks ago. They have...
  2. Crzy Chix Lady

    Questions about incubating Guinea Fowl Eggs!

    I am wondering if I have a lost cause. We were expecting a hard freeze Friday night and my guinea hens also happened to get scared off their nests. They didn't go back to set and roosted back at the barn with the others. I took the eggs hoping to keep them warm and get them into an incubator...
  3. Crzy Chix Lady

    IA here

    I am in Sioux City and I have a Chinese Goose and a Buff Duck to find new homes. The goose is single now and I don't have room for him this winter. And I have an extra Buff that hatched out this spring and I only need 1 pair for now. They would make a great addition for anyones flock, both...
  4. Crzy Chix Lady

    Would anyone want to trade?

    Are you still interested in getting into geese? I am trying to rehome my Chinese Goose, male and a male Buff Duck. The goose is about 2 and the duck is 7 months and a beauty. I am in Sioux City.
  5. Crzy Chix Lady

    silver laced wyndott

    Oops, sorry I see you are in NE Iowa. You are not close to us so probably won't work.
  6. Crzy Chix Lady

    silver laced wyndott

    Where are you located in NW IA? I am in Sioux City and I believe my brother has a Wynadotte rooster that needs to go. The rooster is black and white, he is a looker!
  7. Crzy Chix Lady

    Ended Tell Us Your Funniest Chicken Story to Win Six Bags of Feed from Nutrena!

    Just one of many episodes of crazy happenings on the farm!! This summer I went out to do chores, let the chickens out and so forth. 2 of my daughters, Gwenyth and Allie were with me helping. I was feeding the chickens and I noticed a big white rooster with a big red comb, we don't have a rooster...
  8. Crzy Chix Lady

    New member

    Welcome from a recent newbie from Iowa!
  9. Crzy Chix Lady

    The Runaway Chicken (Nomad's New Home) *~Pictures Of Nomad~*

    What a great story! I never thought chickens would be like cats, just when you think they are gone forever, they return! And oh what a day of rejoycing!!
  10. Crzy Chix Lady


    This will be the first time I deworm my flock and it sounds like Ivermectin is the best way to go. Do I need to follow it up with Wazine to kill anything that hatches after the first treatment? How long do you withdraw eggs with Wazine? Would it be another 2 weeks? Thanks for the help, want...
  11. Crzy Chix Lady

    IA here

    Hi Iowa chichen peeps! I just joined, I am from Sioux City. Way over on the western side good to see you all on here!
  12. Crzy Chix Lady

    Hello all!

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? I am new to chickens, we got our first 5 girls in April of this year and have added at least 40 more to our crew. (2) How many chickens do you have right now? I have about 39 chickens, 5 ducks, 1 goose and 2 guinies (3) What...
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