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  1. 1brahmamama

    Sponsored Post Congratulations MamaNini! You won a beautiful coop from Handcrafted Coops!

    My advice is... start small. Get a few chickens at first-- until you are more comfortable with them (be careful...they're addicting). If you want them to be people friendly; give them lots of love and attention and handling as chicks. And, if you can in your area, have a rooster...keeps the...
  2. 1brahmamama

    chicken saddle

    Here's a link to look at that was helpful to me.
  3. 1brahmamama

    Can we keep eggs if they got frozen?

    When we get cracked eggs I use them immediately. Even if it's to give a treat to the dog or kittys. This time of year when we lock up the chickens at night we do a quick check for eggs.
  4. 1brahmamama

    Roosting at Night

    Do you have room in your coop to put another roost so the two could roost seperately. It sounds like she is definately giving them a hard time when they try to get on the roost. This could lead to pecking problems and more. It is such a risky business introducing hens from different flocks...
  5. 1brahmamama

    roosting bars

    Old wooden broom handles work great.
  6. 1brahmamama

    Sand, shavings and DE

    Could you dig a small trench around your coop and direct any water away from the coop. Straw will mildew if it gets wet. So will the shavings, and then you would have to change either anytime it gets wet. We have shavings inside the coops and straw in the run outside.
  7. 1brahmamama

    I just can't help myself!

    This summer we had a chick incubate in the fridge. Didn't know it until we cracked it open at about a week &1/2 old. :o
  8. 1brahmamama

    protein whats best

    DE is very powdery and light, so be very careful when handling it that you do not inhale it, as it is damaging to your lungs.
  9. 1brahmamama

    Hanging Feeder

    We have a hanging feeder in both of our coops. There are many advantages: They can be hung at the proper height for the birds, They stay clean and the birds can't kick out the feed, You don't have to fill them as often, The birds always have food. We have a hanging waterer which was expensive...
  10. 1brahmamama

    Anyone here have experience killing ringworm??

    As you know ringworm is a fungus-not an actual worm. I have used sea salt and it's done the trick. Get the area wet, then pack on the sea salt, then cover with duck tape. Change every morning and night. It takes a while- but then it's gone for good. With fungus' you can also soak in apple...
  11. 1brahmamama

    Wheat Sprouts Benifits

    What is uncleaned wheat? I would be careful that the wheat you buy is not planting seed, as it would have chemicals on it that are unfit for eating- even if you wash it. Sounds like a great idea!
  12. 1brahmamama

    should I? hatch eggs?

    I'm on the side of having your broodies hatch eggs. It seems so much more natural and a lot less work. They also seem to assimilate better into the flock when the mama hen introduces and protects them. I don't know if you could get a hen to brood this time of year in the chilly NW but maybe...
  13. 1brahmamama

    Breed identification

    Auracanas/Americaunas/EE-Easter Eggers have very puffy cheeks and green legs. Mine have shiny green tales that curve. Not staight up like this. It looks like you have a very interesting mix- something?! Sorry not much help.
  14. 1brahmamama eyeball! (the BIG update, pg. 7)

    oh yea, My son is just fine. He has no ill effects from the peck. Plus he has grown quite a bit and is faster now, and he has learned to stay clear of the chickens. By the way I know you are all wondering what the fastest healing part of the body is... The tongue! Take care Miss Jayne!
  15. 1brahmamama eyeball! (the BIG update, pg. 7)

    My two year old got pecked in the eye last summer. I gave him a bath and washed his hair with baby shampoo so it would run into and wash out his eyes-- then called our eye doctor. He checked him out and said I had done the right thing with the baby shampoo, and gave us some antibacterial eye...
  16. 1brahmamama

    Crafters- What are you making???

    whew, I finally made it though this thread. That's saying alot with the ol' dial-up. Here's an idea my sil gave me years ago. Take a 'new' little round chick feeder and a new canning jar and fill it with holiday colored small candies. You could decoupage a cute design (maybe a chicken) on...
  17. 1brahmamama

    What Breed Makes the Cutest Babies?

    I love the barred rock chickies with that little white spot on their heads-- like they've been kissed by angels. Maybe that's why they are so sweet.
  18. 1brahmamama

    Has anyone ever trained their chickens?

    Allchookup I am still lol! The key with chickens is the same as all young -- the younger they are, the easier they are to train. Start when they are just hatched. Then be consistant. Go figure.
  19. 1brahmamama

    What am I?????

    Looks like an americana or auracana to me--notice the green legs. She looks like a female. You will know soon if her eggs are green. She has more of a beard than fluffy cheeks though? I have a few americanas and they are very nice birds.
  20. 1brahmamama

    Do you let them out on rainy / miserable days?

    We have a run and leave the gate open to free range at will. They look forward to the rain as it brings more worms and bugs to the surface. Make sure you have plenty of straw in your run for the rainy season- so you don't get muddy eggs. I put the bail in whole and they have it spread out...
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