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  1. Tazman99

    Two hens fighting over a nest? URGENT

    The cage is the same size as the nesting box, bout the size of a cage you see at the fair. There is a space between the bottom of the cage and the part where you put in a box to catch poop, is that alright or is it too drafty?
  2. Tazman99

    Two hens fighting over a nest? URGENT

    Can the mama hen and her clutch be put in a cage? I currently have her nesting box closed off with the cage.
  3. Tazman99

    Two hens fighting over a nest? URGENT

    Two broody hens are fighting over a clitch of eggs, the invading hen will push the mama off the nest and lay. Should I put invader in a xage? Or the mama to protect her eggs from the other hen and aggressive rooster?
  4. Tazman99

    I think the rooster and other hens killed a chick?

    This morning I went out to feed the chickens and check on my broody hens eggs. One egg was completely missing, no shell. There was a big pile of dark feces where the egg was and later inspecting the area I found a tiny bit of yolk. After searching everywhere I found nothing. The rooster has...
  5. Tazman99

    Can I remove a single egg from a broody hen that I plan on hatching eggs from?

    Oh yeah, my broody hen left the nest once to eat and the Buff orpington tried to take over the nest. She was smart enough to back off when momma came over.
  6. Tazman99

    Can I remove a single egg from a broody hen that I plan on hatching eggs from?

    She has spent three weeks on this single nest, I took her eggs from her the first two weeks and on the third week I had been gone for most of the week, my brother and grandmother though something was wrong with her because she wouldn't move, so they didn't take her eggs that week. I decided that...
  7. Tazman99

    Can I remove a single egg from a broody hen that I plan on hatching eggs from?

    So I have a hen that has laid three eggs, I want to hatch these three eggs under her but she has laid a fourth egg, can I remove this egg? Or will that send her into a berserk mode and lose the other eggs? Also, what do I need to know and do for when the eggs hatch? Will they eat Layer food...
  8. Tazman99

    chick with intestines outside of body

    There was nothing you could do. Sorry you had to go through that.
  9. Tazman99

    Can I move chicken eggs from a broody hen in order to clean the coop?

    What I ended up doing was leave some straw by the nest, about a foot or so and she started spreading it.
  10. Tazman99

    Can I move chicken eggs from a broody hen in order to clean the coop?

    Title says it all. I'm letting a hen hatch three eggs since no one collected them the past week while I was showing at the fair. If the eggs are fertile they will be polish/ not sure what the hen is, she is black with a tiny barely a bump size comb. I want to clean the coop (Or at least the egg...
  11. Tazman99

    Sad sad day for me

    You did the right thing. It was either a quick mercy kill by you or a painful death by starvation.
  12. Tazman99

    How to sex newborn/young chickens?

    I'm soon going to buy a few Mille Fleur chicks, having read about them I learned that the roosters are pretty aggressive, plus I already have a small rooster(Old English Game Bantam) and he probably wouldn't like a big fat rooster attacking him. So, is there any way to tell if a young chicken...
  13. Tazman99

    What do you do about MILITANT squirrels?

    Check out laws on killing them, it should be fine, as they are technically a pest right now. If it's legal, start a war. Traps, BB Guns, letting your cats hunt.
  14. Tazman99

    My brave cockerel charged a fox!!

    I would personally give him another chance. Get him some bigger hens, he earned it.
  15. Tazman99

    Boys VS Girls

  16. Tazman99

    Hello and my chicken coop design

    Try telling them the benefits of chickens, like the Eggs and possibly tell them about Meat Birds, and maybe ask if you can join a local 4-H group?
  17. Tazman99

    Bantam Hen has odd slime coming from her mouth?

    No, she hasn't been moved too much, I got them a few months ago, in late August, I believe. I do move their cage outside sometimes, when I vacuum and if it's nice out.
  18. Tazman99

    Bantam Hen has odd slime coming from her mouth?

    Alright, it seems most of the slime is gone, now it's just a little bit. She is acting sort of slow, not really wanting to eat. If she doesn't start to eat by the time I get back from feeding the other chickens I will give her warm Oatmeal with honey and a bit of sugar water.
  19. Tazman99

    Bantam Hen has odd slime coming from her mouth?

    I will keep watch on her, my mother may get Electrolytes tomorrow, as I hear those work.
  20. Tazman99

    Bantam Hen has odd slime coming from her mouth?

    I have three OEGB's, 2 hens and a rooster, and one of the hens has a clear slime coming from her mouth, it seemingly had food chunks in it, and she is acting odd, I offered her some feed and she just passed it, the other two chickens would peck at the slime, and the rooster sneezes once a day...
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