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  1. mommaclucker

    Setting and hatching in December? Come join us! - Holiday Season hatch-along

    if I have some that im not sure about or cant tell much when I candle them I will float test them before lockdown I get a plastic cup of warm water and see if I get any movement from them after they settle in the water just dont leave them in long hope some of them hatch for you
  2. mommaclucker

    Setting and hatching in December? Come join us! - Holiday Season hatch-along

    my blue orps are going into lockdown sat out of 24 only 4 have made it so far several were infertile and out of 22 swedish flower hen eggs 10 falied to do anything all from the same seller only one developed and quit around day 10 I have 5 that seem to be doing ok and the marans eggs are on day...
  3. mommaclucker

    Setting and hatching in December? Come join us! - Holiday Season hatch-along

    I have 24 blue orps and some swedish flower hen eggs that are on day 7 only one of the SFH eggs shows any development and very few of the blue orps show any thing the rest are clear. I was just wondering how long you guys keep your eggs till you toss them?
  4. mommaclucker

    Setting and hatching in December? Come join us! - Holiday Season hatch-along

    Yep I sure did lol I would just really love to try to hatch fresh eggs but I may just have to wait till my own girls get to laying there to young yet and im still holding on to my boys to see what ones Id like to be the chickie daddy :)
  5. mommaclucker

    Setting and hatching in December? Come join us! - Holiday Season hatch-along

    AGH I wish I could find eggs the way you do lol I live in the country have checked craigslist and put out request for fresh hatching eggs and nothing your like the egg whisperer :)
  6. mommaclucker

    Setting and hatching in December? Come join us! - Holiday Season hatch-along

    well at least you got them might as well go ahead and give them a go never know maybe those eggs are stubborn to and just might hatch a few
  7. mommaclucker

    4th Annual BYC NYD Hatch-a-long

    Just had that happen to no tracking updates for 2 days then they just showed up at my local post office so dont give up yet maybe they will arrive on monday just in time
  8. mommaclucker

    Setting and hatching in December? Come join us! - Holiday Season hatch-along

    Ive been looking for something like these since I give a lot of chicks away I like to mark the ones im planning on keeping. These come in a lot of different sizes what size do you use if you dont mind me asking
  9. mommaclucker

    4th Annual BYC NYD Hatch-a-long

    Ive got 4 lavender orps doing the same thing they have some funky aircells so Im sitting on my hands trying not to fuss with them they have been chirping to each other since about 10:30 last night and nothing all day except chatting to each other. Ive been debating on pokeing an airhole also but...
  10. mommaclucker

    Setting and hatching in December? Come join us! - Holiday Season hatch-along

    Its ridiculus the way they operate. I opened a case to hopefully find out where the eggs from Florida are the first time I talked to someone they entered my zip code wrong so when I called back I was told that no such address existed therefore the package was undeliverable after explaining the...
  11. mommaclucker

    Setting and hatching in December? Come join us! - Holiday Season hatch-along

    Ive had the same problem one order of eggs got lost in Florida and never did make it seems this second order was lost for 2 days in missouri somewhere but finally made it to my local post office so hopefully they arrive today. Its had my nerves on edge all week the stress of wondering where they...
  12. mommaclucker

    4th Annual BYC NYD Hatch-a-long

    I sure hope everyone getting shipped eggs has better luck then im having second order that has been lost if this one doesnt arrive I wont be in the NYD hatch as I cant find local eggs GRRRR USPS .
  13. mommaclucker

    4th Annual BYC NYD Hatch-a-long

    I was just wondering what everyone uses to water there chickens? I have one of those you plug in to keep from freezing that thing is the biggest pain. I had to haul water twice today since i dumped the first one the red bottom will not stay on. I cleaned the coop and brooder today the feed...
  14. mommaclucker

    Setting and hatching in December? Come join us! - Holiday Season hatch-along

    YAY its soooo addicting I hate the wait from pip to zip though :)
  15. mommaclucker

    Setting and hatching in December? Come join us! - Holiday Season hatch-along

    Yay another group of crazy winter hatchers lol is it ok if I join you guys. Ive got 24 blue orps arriving tomorrow and at least 10 swedish flower hen eggs they were suppose to be here a week ago but got lost in the mail so the seller kindly resent them for me. I was gonna try and set half on the...
  16. mommaclucker

    4th Annual BYC NYD Hatch-a-long

    I have egg envy lol I would love to try my hand at turkey eggs but my hubby hasnt come around to my way of thinking on the turkeys or goats he doesnt pay a lot of attention to my eggs or what I have in the brooder maybe I could get a little sneaky and slip a turkey past him for a few months till...
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