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  1. betty105

    Tiny tiny black bugs in the chicken coop, help!

    I've also just noticed these tiny bugs!! they were crawling on my face when I finished being in the coop, yuck!! We just put the plastic around the coop for the winter. It is open on the bottom and has wheel so we pull it up close to the house for the winter. It's only a small 4 chicken...
  2. betty105

    Sudden Chicken Death Syndrome?

    I too am happy to find this thread, and want to extend condolences to all by fellow chicken lovers who have lost their pets. I am new to raising chickens and in an area where no one else keeps them. One of my 8 month old Buckeyes seemed fine the night before when I put them to bed (I have...
  3. betty105

    putting plastic around my open coop

    So sorry about your coop! We moved ours up next to the house when the storm came to keep it safe. Having it be portable is the best! My heat bulb is one used for lizards incased in glass and mounted on the top so it should be ok. It is not very warm actually, but should be just enough for...
  4. betty105

    putting plastic around my open coop

    This is my first experience with my two chickens, and our first winter together in Northeastern Ohio. I want to put plascit around the open areas to keep them out of the wind and snow for the winter. Any suggestions? I have an electric waterer, a small roost and nest area at the top of the...
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