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  1. rlephoto

    adding pullets to the flock?

    So after more than a week staying in the chicken tractor inside the chicken yard the pullets were introduced to the main coop last night. Yes they were a little scared. 5 of them perched on the lower perch, the other one jumped right up with the adult chickens. This morning it was 43 degrees...
  2. rlephoto

    adding pullets to the flock?

    So it looks like we'll wait a little while longer before we introduce the pullets to the adults. This morning the adults were fighting over nesting spots in the coop. I dropped in 3 unused bee boxes and some straw. Later each new nesting box had an egg in it.
  3. rlephoto

    adding pullets to the flock?

    Folks, We have 6 adult full size hens and 2 half grown bantams in our 6 ft x 6 ft coop with a fairly large wooded run. We have had the chicken tractor in the run with six 7-8 week old pullets in it during the day for about a week. Is it too soon to let the pullets loose in the run to join the...
  4. rlephoto

    Chicks! Chicks! Chicks!

    Our pullets at 4 weeks old. We have 2 of each in the brooder in the basement. They are growing quick. Hope to get them in the chicken tractor soon then in the main coop with our other 6 hens. Cream Legbar Red Star Black Star
  5. rlephoto

    Stray peacock visiting our chickens.

    Anyone know how to keep peacocks away? Our neighbor has them and they keep us up all night, we like fresh air and leave the windows open. A beautiful male have been here 2-3 times a week. Very tame I have touched his feathers as he displays to our hens. We have dealt with the noise for over 5...
  6. rlephoto

    Post Your Chicken's Names Here!!!

    Guess maybe we should name more of our girls. Currently we have 6 adult hens consisting of 1 Barred Rock named Light Bulb(when she was a chick she had white feathers on her head that was light bulb shaped), 1 Cinnamon Queen named Frenchy (she looks like french toast), 2 Easter Eggers one is...
  7. rlephoto

    Rooster with damaged comb and waddles

    Well we use a Hanging Poultry Feeder 12 lb and the chickens were burying straw into it by kicking the straw all around the coop and blocking up the feeder. This could be what happened to him. I usually toss out a qt of feed on the ground for them every few days. Betting the feeder was blocked...
  8. rlephoto

    Rooster with damaged comb and waddles

    Checked the photo of the rooster and one of the hens next to him, the eyes looks ok, not Marek's disease. Thanks for pointing that out!
  9. rlephoto

    Rooster with damaged comb and waddles

    He was a Welsummer rooster. A year old and only once did he think about attacking me, never did it again. We have 6 hens: 2 Welsummer, 2 Easter Eggers, an Barred rock mix and a Cinnamon Queen. Going to get more chicks in a few weeks, maybe more Cinnamon Queens. The CQ we have is one egg laying...
  10. rlephoto

    Rooster with damaged comb and waddles

    Sorry to report on the rooster. This morning about 8:30 am I checked on him. He was lying down, got up and I left him standing in the box. Revisited at 10am and he was dead. At least I tried.
  11. rlephoto

    Rooster with damaged comb and waddles

    Ok applied neosporin to him. He's in the shower in a dog crate in the bathroom. We'll move him to the coop (in the box) later in the week if he gets a little better.
  12. rlephoto

    Rooster with damaged comb and waddles

    OK he's isolated in the guest bathroom in a dog carrier. Will have to ask the wife about any spray we might have. Can't get out because of our icy uphill driveway. Will go to the farm store tomorrow,should be able to get out then.
  13. rlephoto

    Rooster with damaged comb and waddles

    So just checked the rooster again. He's ignoring the hens, two of them pecked at his comb when he went outside and plopped himself down in the dry spot in the yard. The two (of six) hens pecked at him and he did nothing. Isolate him? The wife wants to bring him inside, yeah like where would we...
  14. rlephoto

    Rooster with damaged comb and waddles

    Yesterday the chickens never stepped out in the 6 inches of snow we had. Today they came out and the rooster stayed in the coop. I went to investigate and found he would let me pick him up. He's very poor looking and sitting on the nest box. Both the edges of his comb and waddles are red. Not...
  15. rlephoto

    Welsummers quit 6 weeks ago others still laying.

    So this morning I let the chickens out and discovered a Welsummer was missing in the flock. Found her sitting on the nest box. Shortly afterwards she was out with the flock. Went in a got the egg. Seems her eggs are no longer dark brown, a lighter brown with speckles like what our Barred Rock...
  16. rlephoto

    Welsummers quit 6 weeks ago others still laying.

    Folks, Beginning in March of this year we got 5 new hens, 2 Welsummers, 2 Eastereggers and a Cinnamon Queen. It was in October when the llast dark brown Welsummer eggs were laid. The Cinnamon Queen she lays more eggs than any 2 others we have, she lays almost daily. The Eastereggers we usually...
  17. rlephoto

    How Secure is 1/2" Hardware Cloth...?

    maybe so. Unless you get a bear wanting in the coop. I'd imagine hardware cloth would just make it mad.
  18. rlephoto

    Rocky the rooster needs home (Durham,NC)

    Rocky is a year old very good at protecting. Scares the wife when I let them out in the yard. So he limits their free range time. He is a beautiful Barred Rock. Please somebody take him?
  19. rlephoto

    can someone please help identifie

    sounds like you need smaller mess on your cages so what ever is doing this can't reach in. Its all just a learning cruve. Sorry about your girls.
  20. rlephoto


    we have 4 month old pullets and 2 cats. They get along just fine and have been hanging out together since the chicks were 2 months old. Our cat has been known to kill things she has a medical problem that leaves her hungry all the time, still not getting real close to the chicks.
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