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  1. faeryrose

    What gender are my EEs?

    Two ten week old Easter Eggers (black Ameraucana crossed with RIR), same hatch, May 13. I'm 100% sure Fred is a roo. It's the smaller one, Ted, I'm not sure of. They do fight with each other, though not with any other birds--including the pullet that's almost their size. Ted's beard and muffs...
  2. faeryrose

    Beginnings of roo aggression?

    At what age do young roosters start to fight? I have two six week old EE peeps of uncertain gender, and whatever they're doing to each other looks an awful lot like cockfighting.
  3. faeryrose

    Lice and chicks

    I cleaned the coop and raked out all the bedding in the run where chicks & mama nest. Dusted with DE. I checked my adult hens and found no evidence of lice on them (they nest in the coop, away from the chicks). I opted to try something a little gentler then Sevin--MannaPro Poultry Protector. I...
  4. faeryrose

    Lice and chicks

    I have three chicks in with the rest of my flock and they have got lice, bad. I am dusting with DE today and cleaning the coop top to bottom on Friday. If I get Sevin, is it okay to put on the chicks? The nits seems to be concentrated on their poor little heads.
  5. faeryrose

    What recipes do you like that use a lot of eggs???

    I like to make an eggy challah bread with dried cherries. Then when it gets stale-ish, I slice it up for french toast and use up more eggs! Dutch babies/ German pancakes are super too. Here is one of my favorite recipes.
  6. faeryrose

    What did your chickens do today?

    Our three new peeps (Red, Fred and Ted; Drogon, Rhaegal, and Viserion; or Simon, Marcy, and Fionna, depending whom you ask) left the nest and fell plop into the run. Mama followed, and there they stay. The assorted aunties ignored the newcomers, except to steal a blade of grass from one. "No...
  7. faeryrose

    Three weeks of fart eggs?!

    Nothing has really changed, except the gradual warming of Spring. The hens are a little under a year old. I haven't treated for parasites, should I? Everyone appears healthy and vigorous.
  8. faeryrose

    Raising peeps with the flock. Feed and coop concerns

    My Leghorn just hatched three eggs. She's taking very good care of the babies but I do have some questions. I have (medicated) chick feed out for them but the adult hens peck at it a little too; is this okay? Will their eggs be okay to eat? Conversely, will the chicks will be okay if they snack...
  9. faeryrose

    Three weeks of fart eggs?!

    One of my hens, either an RIR or my Partridge Rock, has been laying fart eggs for about a month now. they have yolks, they're just really tiny. What could be causing this? Hens are full grown, no signs of molting. Part of me hopes it's my mean Red so I can have an excuse to eat her.
  10. faeryrose

    What do the Great Wall of China and my chicken coop have in common?

    The street view of my parents ' house was taken when my stepmother was bending over to pick something up in the yard... the resulting photo of her bottom is less than flattering. She's lost a lot of weight since then. I told her it should be her "before" picture.
  11. faeryrose

    What do the Great Wall of China and my chicken coop have in common?

    I can also see Norman the scarecrow on mine.
  12. faeryrose

    What do the Great Wall of China and my chicken coop have in common?

    They're both visible from space! In the most recent Google satellite picture of my farm, the coop is clearly visible. I can even pinpoint the month in which the picture was taken by the position of the run (and the location of two bags of alpaca manure which it took me forever to move...)...
  13. faeryrose

    I have 2 questions about fresh eggs if anyone can help!

    One of my Rhode Island Reds lays eggs with speckles. I wouldn't worry about those.
  14. faeryrose

    Ameraucanas, EE's, and egg color variation

    I know a chicken will only lay one color of egg her entire life. But is it possible for one hen to have some variation within that color, day to day? I have an EE that just started laying a month ago, a nice pale robins' egg blue. I also got an Ameraucana last week and haven't expected eggs from...
  15. faeryrose

    Training Chickens

    Have you ever trained your chickens to do something? On purpose, I mean. Them learning what the treat bucket looks like does not count.
  16. faeryrose

    The Henitentiary Gang

    Sometimes when the birds are out in the yard, I open up the sliding door just to check on them. Ladybird always comes running, as usually I toss them treats. One day we were in the living room when I heard a "tap tap tap" on the glass. I went to look--it was Ladybird, and she brought a friend.
  17. faeryrose

    The Henitentiary Gang

    I had chickens as a kid and have spent my whole adult life trying to get back to that lifestyle. Last spring my husband, daughter and I moved up to a little farm in PA and got busy! In July with the help of my father in law we built a little 4x4 coop and painted it the same blue as our house. My...
  18. faeryrose

    Grace, or something like it

    My husband told me a few weeks ago that a male ringnecked pheasant calls the overgrown area behind our barn "home." Says he's seen him in the pasture a few times. I've looked and looked--I love birds of all kinds, wild and tame--but never seen him. I was aching to see this bird. Yesterday as I...
  19. faeryrose

    What kind of goats should I get?

    I'm leaning toward Nigerian Dwarves. I wonder if I could coerce someone else to do the milking if I go out of town.
  20. faeryrose

    What kind of goats should I get?

    I have an acre pasture and a little barn, enough space for two or three goats. Problem is, I don't know what kind to get! Pygmy goats just for pets? A farm not too far from here has cashmere goats and I'm tempted to spend the extra to get them; theoretically I could sell the fiber to make up for...
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