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  1. arlock


    Props to Kaitie. It's one thing to have an occasional spelling, grammatical or punctuation error (or two); so long as an eight year old could read it and understand it, who cares. But yes the ppl who R 2 la-z to use normal English are who annoy me.
  2. arlock

    light faux pas

    OH. I'm sorry. I assumed when you talked about cold.........My Bad. Too much light is bad. You need to cut them back to about 16 hours of light per day. Whether you should cut them back gradually or immediately, I don't know.
  3. arlock

    light faux pas

    I wouldn't think that an incandescent bulb would add THAT much heat ( I guess it depends on the size of the enclosure). If it is supplying appreciable heat, raise it few inches each day and then it's not a sudden change for them in temp. Or if the bulbs are not moveable, and there is more than...
  4. arlock

    Managing a small flock with fibromyalgia?

    I was going to suggest contacting your local 4-H/FFA group as well, until I read down and saw that somebody beat me to the punch....The other thing, if the kid/kids live nearby, they might volunteer their time just for the experience, especially with a small flock.
  5. arlock

    light faux pas

    Are you talking about heat lamps or just normal incandescent light bulbs?
  6. arlock


    Does anyone know of any plans or designs to make DIY cages for chickens? Before anyone reminds me of the cruelty of battery cages, The cages would be used for two purposes. First, for recuperation of birds that get hurt in one way or another, and second for the purposes of testing the...
  7. arlock


    This past Fall I had a problem with rats. I have a 24x40 (guessing) shed with 4 pens in it, one had White chinese geese and the other had about 30 chickens who were a LH/EE/NH/BR/RIR hybrid, Neither of which were small or docile birds. I then used one of the vacant pens for a small hatch of...
  8. arlock

    When should I buy chicks?

    I never thought about that. Here's scenario #2. If I backed that off to July, they'd be about 8 weeks or older at the beginning of October, and fully feathered as it starts getting cold. That said if they're getting shipped and in transit 2 days during July, what are my chances of having...
  9. arlock

    Silkie thread!

    As to looks like it...... As figuring out who has to pay child support: Many, many factors come into play such as mating order, time span between matings, and the sperm count, motility...
  10. arlock

    When should I buy chicks?

    After a couple years without chickens, I have pretty much decided which day-old chickens I am going to buy (a mix of leghorn, easter eggers, and brown egg layers), but am somewhat uncertain when I should have them shipped. I know that most farm stores (tractor supply) and most people typically...
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