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  1. driver

    Mad at TSC

    I wonder how many chicks meet an untimely end due to the minimums? Someone has to buy 6 chicks but only wants 3 and only has room for 3....what do they do? The "reverse shoplifting" trick was a nice way to lower your chick amount. I bet there are a lot of less humane ways people get the...
  2. driver

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    No snow here, but plenty of cold wind. 4/5 for me - nothing from the BA.
  3. driver

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    Only one of my 5 pullets squats - the Black Australorp. Others are an EE, Cuckoo Marans, GLW, & Golden Comet. Yesterday after posting about it, my EE broke her egg drought and finally laid another egg.
  4. driver

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    4/5 today. My EE, who just started laying in early February, hasn't laid an egg for a week now. She is acting normal. Should I be concerned yet?
  5. driver

    Jumbo eggs

    My biggest egg is laid by the cuckoo marans.
  6. driver

    Laying every other day

    A lot of you have missed the actual question. The OP's hen has laid an egg every single day, and they wonder if that is normal, vs. the every other day theory they thought they knew. So, they're not asking why their hen isn't laying every day - she is. It's normal and it's fine. Mine tend to...
  7. driver

    My oldest non laying pullet was ????? when she layed her first egg!! (A SURVEY

    Three of my five started after 33 weeks: 1. Golden Comet: 23 weeks 2. Golden Laced Wyandotte: 29.5 weeks 3. Cuckoo Marans: 34.5 weeks 4. Australorp: 35 weeks 5. Easter Egger: 38 weeks They were hatched May 9th, so were coming into laying age as the days were getting shorter. I'm...
  8. driver

    Topic of the Week - Cleaning and Storing Eggs

    I put mine in the refrigerator unwashed. I have a rotating carton system, where I write a number on each carton. New eggs go in the highest numbered carton, eggs are used from the lowest number. Right now, I have cartons 11, 12 & 13 in there.
  9. driver

    Gotta be close right??

    Maybe! I waited a long time for mine, which matured as the days were getting short. My BA looked ready for months, it seemed, before she finally started laying at 35 weeks. Hopefully yours will get with the program sooner since the days are getting longer. Also, only 2 of my 5 layers will...
  10. driver

    It’s An Ameraucauna

    Congratulations! For what it's worth, my EE lays blue/green eggs that are the same color on the inside as the outside.
  11. driver

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    I got 5/5 yesterday for the first time! The last of the five started laying almost 2 weeks ago, but until yesterday, someone always had an "off" day (usually either the BA or GLW, whose eggs are hard to tell apart).
  12. driver

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    Only 2/5 today. All 5 are finally laying, though!
  13. driver

    weird egg

    The cracking is strange, but my cuckoo marans has laid very large eggs from day 1. Yours might be working up to a larger egg than her first.
  14. driver

    A contest for the duds!

    I am dud-free as of yesterday! (not counting the retiree). Upper left - EE (38 weeks, laid yesterday) Upper right - Cuckoo Marans (34.5 weeks) Middle left - Golden Comet (23 weeks) Middle right - Black Australorp (35 weeks) Lower left - another Cuckoo Marans Lower right - Golden Laced Wyandotte...
  15. driver

    Horse Talk

    Now they have signs and fliers everywhere saying to stay a bus length away from ponies, with dire warnings that they could basically attack and maim you for no reason at any moment, and you can be fined. It's all a bit of overkill, but I guess it's effective to keep people who don't know...
  16. driver

    Flock Mgmt. or Lazy Landscaping?

    I'm letting my chickens out on my garden over the winter. It always ends up overrun with weeds and I'm hoping they might have an impact on that. Once I put vegetables in, I'll have to fence them OUT of the garden instead of in it.
  17. driver

    How To Make Success As A Horse Trainer

    I agree your website is looking better. One thing I like about it is that riders are wearing helmets in every picture where you can see the rider's head. I know this is probably because you're young and are required to wear one (I know it's often looked down on by western riders), but I think...
  18. driver

    Australorp eggs

    My australorp has been laying for not quite 2 weeks and her eggs are on the smaller side still. I'm assuming they'll get a little bigger. My golden comet's eggs got bigger as she went along. On the other hand, my cuckoo marans started right out with XL eggs that barely fit in the carton.
  19. driver

    How To Make Success As A Horse Trainer

    I REALLY think you need to take "30 days or less" out of all of your descriptions. It looks like you are guaranteeing success in 30 days or less. If you've been around enough horses, you know that some of them take longer than others. Putting a 30 day guarantee in writing like this just...
  20. driver

    How To Make Success As A Horse Trainer

    I think you might have more credibility if you specialize in one or two things, instead of selling yourself as someone who can train any horse to do anything. For instance, I really don't believe you have skills I'd want to pay for for English training. Your pictures are primarily gaming, so...
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