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  1. Wine-dotte

    Silver spngled hamburg fertile eggs NEW ZEALAND

    Hi there, I am trying to get hold of silver spangled hamburg fertile eggs as the weather starts to warm up and am wondering if anybody knows of anyone in NZ? Never come across any in NZ, and never any on trademe, agtrader etc. Any help much appreciated
  2. Wine-dotte

    How to know if incubated egg is dead?

    She'll know when she is done sitting. Give it a day or two more and she'll bring her chick off the nest more. When she does if the eggs aren't hatched have a look and a listen, and if no go don't put them back. Mama chooks aren't like bators, they know when its time to move on... hope that helps!??
  3. Wine-dotte

    WTH is a water wiggler?

    'spose it depends what you're into
  4. Wine-dotte

    Re "What can I do"... conclusion!

    NurseELB wrote: I can't stop laughing!!! I'm sorry. All I can say is, are we related? I have done so many goofy things like that I can't count! At least you know what to do if the generator goes out! . We must have been triplets! That's how it goes around here....sigh ...
  5. Wine-dotte

    WTH is a water wiggler?

    they really kind of do!! heres what we use instead(that is if you are looking for the G rated, sex toy free bator look!)
  6. Wine-dotte

    WTH is a water wiggler?

    OK, I give up. What are they and what do they do? The picture that explains it perfectly to spookyevilone is meaningless to me. you poke the probe on your thermometer into the wiggler to see what sort of temperature your eggs are internally, as fluctuations in air temp may be very different to...
  7. Wine-dotte

    Re "What can I do"... conclusion!

    Thank you all so much for your help. Heres how things are going at this stage: 2 days ago: Madly dash round carport adjusting height of bucket dangling over gas barbeque(!!). Frantically poke thermometers into sand, digithermometer in glad bags of water. Poke finger into sand as don't believe...
  8. Wine-dotte

    Re "What can I do"... conclusion!

    Thank you all. Will have a go with the sand thing! We are in a very old, very rural area, all our power poles are very old wooden ones and as we are in wine country, and the area is developing quickly they are replacing all the poles with the heavy duty cement ones! I am very impressed with the...
  9. Wine-dotte

    Re "What can I do"... conclusion!

    Thank you so much! Does the bucket need a lid? You've just saved me from a very sleepless night and my husband from a prod in the ribs and a "what if...?" question every 20 minutes through it!!
  10. Wine-dotte

    NZ Breeders

    Have been getting my fertiles from Trademe with varying degrees of success. Where do you other kiwis source them?
  11. Wine-dotte

    Re "What can I do"... conclusion!

    I've just a couple of days ago set eggs in my bator,now the <9 pages of expletives> council are shutting off our power for "maintenance" 10 hours a day, 7 days out of the next 13... am I destined to loose all my precious eggs?? Any suggestions??
  12. Wine-dotte

    anyone from new zealand

    oooohhh go on then... she bumps up another NZ thread
  13. Wine-dotte

    I'm even further south..... in New Zealand

    Hi Joana and welcome! Looks like you have a lovely wee spot there! What part of the South Island are you in? We are in Marlborough and there are a few other kiwis floating about on here too! How did you find your first kiwi christmas? My aunt is Swiss and doesn't really celebrate christmas...
  14. Wine-dotte


    Hi, another mainlander here Summers taking its time getting here(I'm in Marlborough) but had a 26 degree day today. What kind of farms/properties are all you other kiwis on?
  15. Wine-dotte

    Anybody from Australia

    Yea there are a few of us kiwis here too. I think everyone else is talking winter and snow and I'm busy worrying that my chicks have nothing to eat because of the drought
  16. Wine-dotte

    Is mum buying pink or blue socks?

    They are supposed to be red shavers but a couple look like they could be just about anything under the sun I'm a bit of a technophobe too Just download photoscape! Easy peasy!
  17. Wine-dotte

    Is mum buying pink or blue socks?

    number one is being such a... chicken! Won't pose for me! Is this pic any better?
  18. Wine-dotte

    Is mum buying pink or blue socks?

    Can anyone tell me from these pics what our sexes are?
  19. Wine-dotte

    Where did this come from?!!

    OK... so my little shaver chicks have a stranger in their midst... don't know where it came from or what on earth it is... anyone able to shed any light on our wee friend? Many thanks
  20. Wine-dotte


    hi SettlersDreamFarm, yep she sure is, she sat on them from the day we brought the eggs home and refused to leave the nest, she ate and drank on the nest, never left once She is the best mum too we couldn't believe how good she was at sitting, she is the most flighty skittery hen(ex poultry...
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