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  1. Crazy_For_Chickens

    Isn't this sweet?!

    That is soooo Sweet!!!
  2. Crazy_For_Chickens

    Plain Egg Cartons - best place to buy?

    If you don't want words on them then can't you just put white-out or something over the words? Just an idea.
  3. Crazy_For_Chickens

    Broody ROOSTER?????!!!!

    That is the Cutest thing!!! Please post a pic if you can!
  4. Crazy_For_Chickens

    Man those things like to range

    I'm glad they came back!!! That was a pretty good story of how people can learn from their expiriences!!!
  5. Crazy_For_Chickens

    Can chickens see in color.

    I think the only colors a chicken can see is red and blue.
  6. Crazy_For_Chickens

    Mille Fleurs d'Uccle good egg layers?

    Ok thanks, do you know if they are good to eat?
  7. Crazy_For_Chickens

    My first ever predator death. :'( What did it?

    I don't know about it being dragged, but owls take the heads and there usually is no blood. Sorry for your loss. CFC
  8. Crazy_For_Chickens

    Mille Fleurs d'Uccle good egg layers?

    Hello, I just wanted to know if the Mille Fluer d'Uccle bantam was a good egg layer. Are they good to eat? Thank you, CFC
  9. Crazy_For_Chickens

    Chicks got too friendly

    Wow thats the funniest thing I ever heard!!!
  10. Crazy_For_Chickens

    Just had to post this *pic*

    That is the Cutest pic. I ever saw!!!
  11. Crazy_For_Chickens

    White vs. Red heat lamp

    Red is better, but I always had a white. The white works just fine. I didn't have any problems even with 50 chicks!!!
  12. Crazy_For_Chickens


    Yep it is then go to "select a breed" and look through all the chicken breeds. Sorry about all the posts. CFC
  13. Crazy_For_Chickens

    Pictures I am pretty sure that this is the right one.
  14. Crazy_For_Chickens


    Sorry the other one I posted is not the right web site I will try to find the right one.
  15. Crazy_For_Chickens


    Go to Or someting like that or you can go to and type in mcmurray. They have pictures of grown up and baby chickens.
  16. Crazy_For_Chickens

    Advice on what chickens to get

    I would personaly recommend chicks. It is a great experiance and They will learn to trust you early on. If you put the adult chickens with the chicks you will find dead chicks everywere!!! Orpingtons are good egg layers and are very friendly. Have a nice game! CFC
  17. Crazy_For_Chickens

    Wild birds visiting the flock?

    It is normal for wild birds to be in your flock. They are just looking for food. They can give diseses to your flock though. Oh and remember that wild birds have mites and lice. To keep the wild birds out all that you really can do is put a top on you run. Hoped I helped, CFC
  18. Crazy_For_Chickens


    Well it sure is nice to get some peace and quiet once in a while. Lets just hope it stays that way for a while longer.
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