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  1. country chick13

    15 week cross bred rooster needs home. Southern Maine

    Hi everyone, My first hatch was a success however, I now have 4 roosters and can only keep 3. Rose (see pictures, when we named him we were hoping for a girl), is a 15 week old cross between a partridge Cochin (father) and Olive egger (mother). He is already crowing (kind of sounds like a...
  2. country chick13

    Help Duck got stuck in water bucket

    One of my female, 9 month old, Cayuga ducks got stuck last night in their water bucket (We live in Maine and it was very cold). It is a small bucket and none of them have ever even tried to go into it before. I found her when I went out last night to lock them up for the night. I got her out...
  3. country chick13

    Help with pinless peeper injury

    We have 31 chickens (mixed flock) and ended up using pinless peepers on them to stop the relentless feather plucking they were doing to each other. The peepers were put on in mid September. One of our Buff Orpingtons managed to rip hers out last night, she seemed fine today until late afternoon...
  4. country chick13

    Pecking Problem

    I am having a problem. It is not just one of my hens that is getting pecked, we have 15 hens (3 are 2 yrs old rest are almost 1 yr old). There was no major issues until we got a huge amount of snow, and the girls have been staying in their coop (their choice, they can come in and out of the...
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