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  1. bellasooky

    Got some new chickens- any help IDing?

    hi the only chickens I know anything about is the black australorp and Ive found out all pure BA's eyes are black, legs are black, feet are pink not yellow and tails are short theres no saying this black one is not a cross with BA. I have 2 pure BA and 2BA x RIR and aside from a few red...
  2. bellasooky

    Please show me your hot weather coops

    HI, I'm from Australia our temps here range from 0 to 40 degrees centigrade which could be about 100f I thought I'd gotten off lightly when we moved into a house that was already equipped with coop and run but soon discovered life on the farm would not be that easy.we lost two to coccidiosis...
  3. bellasooky

    Want to purchase Silkies & Pekin pulleys in Australia

    Hi I'd like to suggest shoalhaven poultry group they have both these breeds and are having an auction near the end of the month I think their site is
  4. bellasooky

    Number one mistake

    My biggest mistake was not knowing the symptoms of illness and disease to lookout for and as a result I believe I lost two pure bred black australorps, one to coccidiosis and and the other may have had an impacted crop. In the case of chicken keeping ignorance is not bliss,it is death and...
  5. bellasooky

    Rooster Questions

    I would like some advice on getting a rooster my flock is 6 to 7 months old and not all laying yet :/c is it better to get one now or later and chick or grown up
  6. bellasooky

    BA x RIR rooster or hen

    Thanks everyone
  7. bellasooky

    are your dogs and chicken friends

    Well one of my dogs is Bella a 14 year old rottweiller cross is nicknamed dishlex (a brand of dishwasher) and im still recovering from getting caught up in the wire in effort to save one of our chickens from her jaws,(hen is ok just a bruise on her wing)but our Sooky,when I'm in the chicken...
  8. bellasooky

    BA x RIR rooster or hen

    I have 4 hens, two birds supposed to be same age and breed but the smaller one has more comb and and two pointy featers sticking through a rounded tail and is often bullied and left on her own is that normal or indicate she may be a he.I dont know if i can upload pics but will try if it is too...
  9. bellasooky

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    :)I got one egg from one laying Black australorp in 14 days she has been laying i have had 11 perfect eggs .she has a sister who should lay any day now and 2 half sisters (black australorp x rhode island red) Who are a month younger.
  10. bellasooky

    Which one is laying?

    The tail rasing acceptance indicates she is ready to mate and therefore must be laying
  11. bellasooky

    Which one is laying?

    I have 2 australorps aswell and one began laying 3 days ago, to find out which one is laying i picked up the one I suspected was laying ,cuddled her for a while(though she didnt want to be) and then put her down and pinned her down to mimmick a rooster then scratched her behind her wing...
  12. bellasooky

    Chick introduction...hope it goes smoothly!

    Hi it was suggested to me that setting them up the way you have is the best way to introduce new chicks, but when you let them out keep an eye on them for a while and put the chicks away again if there is too much bullying and let them out for longer each day. When I introduced two new 18 wk...
  13. bellasooky

    First Egg!!!!

    I got my first egg ever today,we got two black australorps and two black aus x rir The egg was most likely from Shade, the biggest of our BA's.
  14. bellasooky

    Interesting Articles on Why a Rooster Crows

    Our nieghbours used to have a rooster who would crow everytime he saw a person,but he had anger issues.
  15. bellasooky

    new to BYC ing

    Thanks for all the welcoming we are in Australia. shade has still not laid an egg yet nor has her sister,we will get more ckickens as soon as i finish building their enclosure and definately australorps they are so beautiful
  16. bellasooky

    cranky australorp

    I think my australorp is about to lay she sings a new song is messing up her nesting box and pecks me when i clean up will she stay cranky or calm down after she has is used to laying
  17. bellasooky

    new to BYC ing

    Hi Im waiting for my first egg from my black australorp(SHADE )named by my 3 year old son) she sings a song Ive not heard from her before and when I clean the nesting box she gets cranky Will she stay this way or settle when shes in a rhythm
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