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  1. tundracub

    my first coop and run

    Yes the enrtire yard is fenced in. Have only had a few stray cats in the back, but the bulldog takes care of that issue quite nicely.
  2. tundracub

    my first coop and run

    Didnt really have any plans to go on. Just sorta happened. The coop is 8x5x5. Enough room for the four girls and more if i add. The run is 7x5x15. Very pleased with it overall. Now i dont have to worry bout the hawks pickin them off. [/IMG]
  3. tundracub

    Stall Dry, my new best friend...

    Fleet farm also carries stall dry. 9.95 a bag. Im in minneapolis. This stuff really rocks. No smell in the coop and the flies are almost gone.
  4. tundracub

    are your dogs and chicken friends

    Thank you Woodsygal. I think shes pretty darn special as well.
  5. tundracub

    are your dogs and chicken friends

    I have an olde english bulldogge. Bella is so good with the girls. She gaurds them against anything that dares to come into my fenced back yard. The chooks are not afraid of her one bit. In fact the RIR runs right to Bella when i let them out. The divine ms B required no training at all. She...
  6. tundracub

    What did your chickens do today?

    My EE aparently found a way out of the run while i was at work. I came home last nite to a missing chook. This morning she was standing by the run gate demanding that i let her in.
  7. tundracub

    Ameraucana pullets not laying yet???

    Mine started laying around the same age as yours. Just be patient. Guess its like expecting all people to go through puberty at the same time. Some are early, some are late bloomers.
  8. tundracub

    Why is this still on you tube?

    People are just stupid no matter what. The reason i prefer my chooks over humans most days. Yes, the guy is an idiot. The dog is not to blame. But it does make me wonder what else he gets this poor dog after. Boerboels are a powerful mastif breed and it only takes a few stupid owners like this...
  9. tundracub

    Neighbour's kids frightening my chooks

    I had a similar problem with the kids next door until they ran out of balls. I kept them all. Still have them as i view them as free dog toys.
  10. tundracub

    the best cat repellant.

    Meet Bella the Olde English bulldogge. A stray cat was nosing around the run yesterday. I let Bella out, real quiet like. Get that kitty was all she needed to hear to go into action. I didnt know a cat could jump 10 feet straight up into the air or scale an 8 foot privacy fence in 2 seconds...
  11. tundracub

    Prettiest Hen Show!

    Name: BUFFY. Breed: Buff Orpington. Age:19 weeks
  12. tundracub

    Show off your Black Australorp

    Oprah is a real show girl, in her mind of course. A true diva that always strikes a pose when the camera comes out.
  13. tundracub


    This is Esmerelda. Shes not shy at all!
  14. tundracub

    Rhode Island Red Contest *Roosters and Hens Welcome*

    Lucy is an 19 week old pullet.
  15. tundracub

    Hen contest!!!

    Here is Oprah. Australorp pullet. she is very sassy and rules the coop.
  16. tundracub

    got my first egg this morning

    Lucy the RIR decided to gift me this morning. She had been squating for a week when i went to pick her up. For the past few mornings she was also very loudly vocal. This morning was no different except she was spending more time in the hen house. Twenty minutes later, i found her little gift...
  17. tundracub

    Ameraucana adult color?

    Mine looked very similar as a chick too. She turned into a gorgeaous red partridge. Wish i had a better pic, but she is a rather coy girl
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