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  1. conquest780

    Boys VS Girls

  2. conquest780

    Boys VS Girls

  3. conquest780

    Yet another nervous first-timer

    Good Luck with your first hatch!!!! Keep updating.
  4. conquest780

    chick's are peeping how long till they hatch?

    I'm on day 19 and I'm sooo excited(and impatient). How are all of u people going??? Post some pics.
  5. conquest780

    The dark egg?

    How???? It's dead.
  6. conquest780

    Boys VS Girls

  7. conquest780

    Boys VS Girls

  8. conquest780

    pipping chick!! too early??

    Well just let the eggs stay in there. As gatorshark75 said 21 days is an average, they can also hatch earlier. The baby chicks inside the eggs can't count and will hatch when they are ready not necessarily day 21.;)
  9. conquest780

    Mallard duck incubation

    Creature life, I was also getting mallard eggs everyday so I thought why not try. I have started the incubator but I don't know the basic settings for mallard ducks as I used to hatch chickens.:/
  10. conquest780

    Mallard duck incubation

    That post is about goose.
  11. conquest780

    Mallard duck incubation

    Today is day one of incubation. I knew the basics temp at 37.5 and humidity at 55% but I have heard something about spraying water after day 15 and does it take 28 days or 25??? Reply fast.
  12. conquest780

    Bird Flu ?

    How do I disinfect the whole area? I have one chicken left and going to get more on Saturday. Don't want to get them sick.
  13. conquest780

    Bird Flu ?

    All chickens dead. I am very sad. Going to buy more chicken next week. Will disinfect their cages and their free ranging area.
  14. conquest780

    Bird Flu ?

    Yes, there is bloody mucus coming from the mouth. One chicken which I cared since it was a chick just died in front of my eyes. Two of my older chicken ( black cochin, sebright) are also infected. A broody chicken which had 4 babies now has two left.
  15. conquest780

    Bird Flu ?

    I have a broody chicken with babies and they are fine but the older chicken are the one getting infected!!!! The sneezing is like screaming and then their voice goes down. They are more like screaming than sneezing.
  16. conquest780

    Bird Flu ?

    Well i bought 3 polish chickens and two died . The only symptom I saw was that they were sneezing. Now all of chicken are also sneezing. I hope its not bird flu. help before its too late!!!!!
  17. conquest780

    Rooster issue.

    We'll a jap bantam was not available so I bought a white polish. Will it cross?
  18. conquest780

    Rooster issue.

    This is just a project for fun to produce a very beautiful chicken
  19. conquest780

    Rooster issue.

    Will keep updating .
  20. conquest780

    Rooster issue.

    Hoping for shorter feet and a little more pointed tail.
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