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  1. hmwalatka

    recommended dog breed

    He already has netting to keep out flock birds which will also protect the main bushes from the chickens but anything low or on the ground is free game. He knows the chickens will not get all the cicadas but will be a big help. Thinking of chicken tractors to move around.
  2. hmwalatka

    recommended dog breed

    He has about 4 acres of berries the locust can damage the plants so bad they will die. He is willing to give some berries to the chickens if it means protecting his investment. He thought about doing 2 coops one at each end of about 15-20 chickens each. His crop is all natural so he is...
  3. hmwalatka

    recommended dog breed

    My only reserve with a guard breed is he sells the berries and he always has people over picking. Some guard breeds are wary of strangers. Must be a very friendly with people breed.
  4. hmwalatka

    recommended dog breed

    I have a small backyard flock and 5 dogs 2 lab jrt and a boston/ chi mix and all do well. My father in law grows and sells blueberries and with the locust due in a few years he wants to get a flock of about 20 chickens to eat the locust and protect his flock. He lives in the country with coons...
  5. hmwalatka

    slipped tendon in 3-4 wk old chick

    Left leg sticks out a little. Leg joint is swollen. No open injuries. Gets along but not as active as others.
  6. hmwalatka

    slipped tendon in 3-4 wk old chick

    Anyone ?? Ideas?? Thoughts ??
  7. hmwalatka

    slipped tendon in 3-4 wk old chick

    Noticed a chick limping two days ago and after reading up I think its a slipped tendon. He is gimpy but gets around and is eating and drinking. I have tried to tape it but am having a hard time getting it into place as the tendon is very tight. Is this something she will live with?? Not sure...
  8. hmwalatka

    Baby Chick Pictures!!!!! POST!

    [/IMG]. Babies first day out
  9. hmwalatka

    new babies breed guess??

    . We have 6 new babies 3 black sex link and 3 bantam. Any clue what breed Copper Top is ? Head is copper, neck black and body a little lighter. Wings seem to be coming in striped. So cute
  10. hmwalatka

    chicks 1st night outside

    I feel like a bad momma making my babies sleep outside in the coop. They have been going out in the coop/run just about every day for the last week or so and loved it. They are about 6 1/2 weeks old and they were ready but I wasn't sooo I went and got 6 more babies. 3 mixed bantam and 3 black...
  11. hmwalatka

    northeast ohio

    Where are you located?? I'm in wheeling wv
  12. hmwalatka

    Question about two of my new Barred Rock chicks...

    My barred rock/ Rhode island red mix had the brown on their faces. It's gone now one dark barred and one light barred
  13. hmwalatka

    Baby Chick Pictures!!!!! POST!

    . My babies when they first got on the roost by themselves
  14. hmwalatka

    Baby Chick Pictures!!!!! POST!

    . My daughter lani with her favorite chick Shirley.
  15. hmwalatka

    newbie question

    My chicks are about 3-4 weeks old. I read post about giving "healthy" leftovers as treats. When are they old enough for this??
  16. hmwalatka

    new to chickens from wheeling,wv

    Just got our 6 chicks on 2-28. 2 buff orpington , 2 silver laced wyandottes, and 2 barred rock/rir cross. In a chick in hutch as a brooder for now and will be building a coop soon. Any tips?? I have been reading tons but would rather go from people with experience got straight run chicks...
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