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  1. shellyjimrye

    Happy Birthday to me and a questions...

    HAHAHAHAHAH!!! I was saying that I was glad that my daughter had left for work and the DH was still in the house cause I squealed like a little kid with delight! He wanted me to shot gun the egg down raw.. said that all good chicken ranchers do it! Of course I didnt!!! I cant wait for more...
  2. shellyjimrye

    Happy Birthday to me and a questions...

    Thanks for the suggestion. Will be adding the shell for them tonight. Just so darn excited!!! I really wasnt expecting anything at all until maybe another month or more.
  3. shellyjimrye

    Happy Birthday to me and a questions...

    Here is a picture of the present
  4. shellyjimrye

    Happy Birthday to me and a questions...

    I have a mixture of the following: Black Australorp, Ameraucanas, Danish Brown Leghorn, Buff Orpington, Buff Brahma, Cochin, Silkie, Blue Milefleur D'uccle, and Black Tailed Buff Japaneese. I didnt have any nesting boxes out for they are just 16 weeks still. They will be going in tonight...
  5. shellyjimrye

    Happy Birthday to me and a questions...

    Hi there everyone!!! so yesterday was my birthday and low and behold when I went to check the chickens, there was my FIRST EGG EVER from my flock! They are all just about 4 months so I think that might be early?? Anyways.. besides my bragging I wanted to ask ... do you all put in "fake" eggs...
  6. shellyjimrye

    Holy Toledo Batman, I just picked up 9 bantams from the Post Office that I DID NOT ORDER!

    hmmmm.... my order of nine bantams has not arrived. I wonder.... JUST JOKING!!! HEHEHE
  7. shellyjimrye

    Sad sad day for me

    Keeping with the theme above, I as well think you did the right thing. To allow an animal to suffer and struggle needlessly to me is horrific and although it is hard, it is something that must be done at times. A responsible animal owner has to make these tough calls at times.
  8. shellyjimrye

    Whole Wheat and Barley Kernels?

    Thank you both for your responses. They all eat the wheat, boss, barley with no problem. They go nuts for it in fact. I am just not wanting them to get too ahead of where they should be. Of course I am still feeding them the medicated chick starter as well. Thanks again so much!
  9. shellyjimrye

    Whole Wheat and Barley Kernels?

    What age can chicks handle whole wheat and barley? My flock is almost 7 weeks old. They do have access to grit but I wasnt sure if they could eat that yet. Also the black Oil Sunflower seeds. Thanks in advance!
  10. shellyjimrye

    anecdotal about ACV and my chicks

    I put around a tablespoon to a gallon of water. They didnt seem to even notice the change when I introduced it to them. I want to also let you know to try and get "organic" ACV that has the murky "mother" in it. I use Braggs. That is supposedly what is going to help them the most.
  11. shellyjimrye

    anecdotal about ACV and my chicks

    I as well use ACV in my water ever since reading here and other places online about the benefits. I realize that some people hold belief that there is no value in it however no one has shown that it is harmful so I figured cant hurt, could potentially really help so I gave it. I fill their...
  12. shellyjimrye

    Kicked them what?

    Ok... your last post made me giggle. My chicks by no means like to be picked up or "caught". They also lose their minds as if they are going to be slaughtered. When mine first had access to the outside, I had to chase them all out of the coop. Then when they were all out, they huddled in a...
  13. shellyjimrye

    Mama squished baby!

    I have a cat that has had three litters. Her first litter she had laid down on one of the kittens and suffocated it. I was heart broken but I realized that this "accident" was just that. My cat didnt have some mental flaw or a murderous nature, it happens! She has since went on to have two...
  14. shellyjimrye

    Mama squished baby!

    I personally wouldnt cull her for what very well could be an accident. I would watch her and keep and eye out. If another ends up dead, I would remove the chicks and put her out. I also would not allow her to set on eggs again. I know that from being on a farm, things like that happen all...
  15. shellyjimrye

    First Time Silkie Owner

    Of the five, three are looking pretty good now... two are still loosing their fuzz and feathers are coming in and they do look scruffy and patchy and funny. I can see that the feathers that ARE coming in are looking pretty nice. I agree that the bloodlines will dictate what the adult bird will...
  16. shellyjimrye

    First Time Silkie Owner

    So I just want to say.... I am a first time silkie owner and frankly, they are all around 6 weeks old and they are so scruffy and ratty looking. My husband said it best that they look like they were drug through a hedge backwards! How long before the silkies start to look like the beauties...
  17. shellyjimrye

    Any thoughts on this runt?

    Sorry to hear that!
  18. shellyjimrye

    Chicks sleeping butt up...

    my coop is fully insulated however I am in Canada where the temperatures can be VERY chilly. I think that a well insulated and sealed coop is far better for chickens for they dont get damp or chilled. I havent ever heard of someone saying to NOT insulate as long as you cover it up and the...
  19. shellyjimrye

    GOAL: Chicken Coop for under $50 with Pallets! (**Progress Pics!**)

    its always great to see people putting in a concious effort to help Reduce, reuse, Recycle! Love this thread!
  20. shellyjimrye

    Introducing a Bantam chick

    glad to hear that things worked out!
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