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  1. sherry1313

    Blue Copper and Splash Copper Marans Discussion

    Any body have one or two extra blue copper marans roosters for sale? We are looking for a few extras for our flock. We will take younger cockerals or older established roosters! I am in AZ and will pay for the shipping, etc. Thanks!
  2. sherry1313

    Buff braham-Roo or Hen?

    This is a pic of my buff braham. Roo or hen? It is a b About three or four months old. It is huge so I have a bad feeling its a rooster! Thanks!
  3. sherry1313

    Dutch Bantams Breed Thread

    Here are a few more pics! They don't stop moving so its hard to get a good pic! They are a little flighty! Any critiques welcome! [/IMG][/IMG]
  4. sherry1313

    Dutch Bantams Breed Thread

    Well I asked the guy I got them from and he said he got them from a reputable breeder but can't remember the name now. However, I put a pic on the Dutch Bantam Facebook page and got SLAMMED by a lady who said they were in no way dutch bantams. She was pretty rude about it. I will post some...
  5. sherry1313

    Dutch Bantams Breed Thread

    Thanks! I am going to get some better pics this weekend and I will post them. I also asked the guy where he got them from. He was reducing his flock after doing a bunch of breeding and then selling. He had these left over from a large sale and just wanted to get rid of them. He gave them to...
  6. sherry1313

    Blue Copper and Splash Copper Marans Discussion

    I am new to Marans. I have a nice rooster, Little Boy Blue who is about 5 months old. I also have a few blue cooper marans hens and a few black cooper marans hens too. Here is a pic of my blue rooster. Not a great one. I will put up a better pic for some critiques. Also is a pic of some...
  7. sherry1313

    Black Copper Marans discussion thread

    Sorry I meant to type non-mutant! I heard there is a difference beween a mutant white marans and a non mutating one that is self-white. Thanks for the information. I have some black cooper marans hens and a couple of blue copper marans hens too. Here are some of their eggs.
  8. sherry1313

    Black Copper Marans discussion thread

    I am new to marans. I want to start a breeding program/flock. I currently have a nice black cooper marans and a white non-mutan marans. Could somebody give me some critques? Thanks!
  9. sherry1313

    Dutch Bantams Breed Thread

    Can anybody tell me if these birds are in fact dutch bantams? I got them from a guy thinning his flock. He said they were dutch bantams but I know a lot of people say a lot of things when getting rid of chickens. Any advise as to what color they are, etc. would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
  10. sherry1313

    Arizona Chickens

    I am interested in the buffs for sure! Please contact me!
  11. sherry1313

    What did your chickens do today?

    When the person tells you that they chickens they are giving you are "wild/feral chickens who can fly really high" you need to believe them. In trying to move the two newly aquired chickens to a coop they proceeded to fly up to the 6 foot fence, and then to a 15 foot window sill, and then...
  12. sherry1313

    Any one want to join me in waiting for eggs, posting and comparing notes?

    We have about three roosters in the bunch I think. We got rid of three. The verdict is out on a few birds still so we will see once they start laying. She may be an overachiever for sure. I'm worried she is sick as she makes some weird noises. But she otherwise seems healthy. We have a big...
  13. sherry1313

    First Egg Countdown

    I have a bunch of SLW also. They are getting really red too but I didn't know about the eye thing. I will have to check them later tonight!
  14. sherry1313

    Any one want to join me in waiting for eggs, posting and comparing notes?

    We have a flock of about 40 birds: Ameraucanas, Easter Eggers, Black and Blue Cooper Marans, and Silver Laced Wydottes. They were all born in March so I think we have a while to go before we see any eggs. Although one of my marans was making this horrific donkey like noise and then squating down!
  15. sherry1313

    What did your chickens do today?

    We acquired a huge black cooper maran rooster with two hens the other day. He is beautiful but noisy! He crows like crazy when we come up to the coop to let everybody out for free ranging, etc. Thank god we don't have many neighbors and are 4.5 acres!
  16. sherry1313

    Explaining Chicken Math

    I'm new to this site and chickens too! We just bought 4.5 acres. I've always wanted chickens so we talked about getti g 10 chicks. My friend and neighbor wanted to do it with us so we figured we would get ten each and build a coop on the property and share in the responsibilities and eggs...
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