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  • Users: dgeter
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  1. dgeter

    Dreadlock/Calcified Feathers.. Possibly mites?

    Hi everyone! :) I recently got more chickens and have already encountered something I've never seen before. My Silkie hen had a very large beard and recently it turned to dreadlock/calcified clumps. I examined her and found a few mites, so I bathed her and checked again. After not finding...
  2. dgeter

    Got Exciting News!! Barnes and Boble wants to my children's chicken book!! :-D

    Last year, I decided to bite the bullet and write a children's book about my pet silkie chicken. It took about 6 months and quite and investment on my part. But it was sooo much fun and I love knowing that Peanut (my chicken) is now in a book :-) I expected to publish this on amazon and make a...
  3. dgeter

    I'm not sure what's going on with my silkie :-(

    For the last few months, my silkie has been scratching off the features on both sides of his neck. Recently it has gotten much worse. I've tried washing the area several times in case the skin was irritated but that did not help. He did this minimally last summer but then quite when winter...
  4. dgeter

    My silkie book is published!!

    After about six months and quite an investment the children's book I wrote about my pet silkie is finally published on Amazon! I'm so excited. Yesterday I did a free promotion of the book and 4,000 copies were downloaded (kindle version)! Here is the website I made for Peanut...
  5. dgeter

    Need feedback! Working on a childrens book about my silkie chicken!

    Okay guys, for the longest time I've wanted to do a Children's book about my silkie called "Peanut the Fuzzy Chicken". I wanted to capture some of Peanuts huge personality in the book. I'm close to being done so I'm getting super excited! Here are a few pages from it, please let me know what...
  6. dgeter

    Trouble Killing Mites

    I've been dealing with mites on two of my chickens. I've cleaned out and treated the coop with D.E. and I've treated all the chickens. I've treated the 2 infected chickens daily for the last 4 days and the mites aren't dying. Am I missing something? I thought DE was supposed to kill them?
  7. dgeter

    HELP!! Very Strange Problem!! :-(

    A few weeks ago, i started noticing my silkie roo was drinking a ton of water. It seemed to just keep getting worse. Well today I went out to check on him, and it appears that he's drank so much that its literally coming back out.. You can see it coming out of the edges of his mouth, bubbles are...
  8. dgeter

    Silkie Drinking Too Much?

    This might sound kinda silly.. but I've noticed that my silkie roo has been drinking a ton of water lately. He'll just sit by the water for hours at a time and keep drinking. I've checked him over and can't find anything else wrong with him.. I first noticed this back in October when he almost...
  9. dgeter

    Big Mouse Problem...

    We have a huge mouse problem in our coop.. we've been keeping mouse traps out there non stop (on the side that the chickens aren't in) and we've killed a ton of them but they're either breeding faster than we can keep up or more are coming in. They're even made friends with the chickens.. I'll...
  10. dgeter

    How to Give Your Chicken Exercise

    My silkie is recovering from a near fatal indecent and he has to stay inside till he's fully healed. Because of his wounds he can't wear chicken diapers so he spends most of the day in his hutch. He's been crowing NON stop probably out of bordem. So in order to get him exercise I've been getting...
  11. dgeter

    HEEELLPP!! Emergency!!

    Okay.. I noticed to night that my chicken wasnt acting like himself and that he'd formed a poop clot on his butt. So I took him inside to clean it off. When I was done, I decided to get a close look at his butt to make sure there was no infection. It was covered in worms!! I almost puked on my...
  12. dgeter

    Vitamin E supplement

    Im looking for a vitamin E supplement to give to my chickens or add to their water. Will something like this work?
  13. dgeter

    How to put a chicken down..

    My Seabright is dieing and she's getting worse hourly. I can tell she's in pain.. she keeps jerking and squaking. I don't know how to put her down in a painless and un-gruesome way. I'm not sure I have the strength to do this so any help would be appreciated..
  14. dgeter

    Weird Breathing Thing..

    My seabright has been sick for a few days. I thought she was getting better but she just started doing this weird breathing thing. She's breathing through her mouth and sometimes opening her mouth really wide like she can't get air :-( Any ideas???? Here is the video:
  15. dgeter

    Help please!! Strange behavior from my seabright..

    Earlier today I thought that my seabright was crop bound. Its possible that she was.. when we were massaging her gullet we felt something release. However now, we're realizing there is a whole different issue here. She is holding her head at a sharp angle and she won't move it back to straight...
  16. dgeter

    Help!! Strange Buldge on my Seabright

    A few days ago I noticed that my Seabright was acting funny. Usually shes hyper and really active but she'd been hardly moving at all. Yesterday I noticed a large bump on her throat I thought maybe she had just eaten a lot and her gullet was full even tho it seemed to high up. Well I just went...
  17. dgeter

    My peg leg baby needs some help

    I have a former show silkie that broker her leg about 4 years ago. She couldnt be shown anymore so the previous owner (very cool lady) needed to find her a new home. So I took her and she's been wonderful. Since she can't walk that well, she spends a lot of time sitting. Unfortunately, because...
  18. dgeter

    How do you know??

    I have 2 questions about my chickens.. 1st. How do you know when eggs are fertile? It seems like my chicken is staying on some eggs but I know shes left to go outside a few times. Normally I take the eggs but I figured Id leave em just in case. 2nd. I have a silkie that is shaped like a hen...
  19. dgeter

    2 Ducks in need of a new home

    I have two large male ducks. I can't remember what the breeds are. They need to go to a new home because they're bullying one of my chickens really bad. Their names are Hoover and Kirby and they're really sweet. Id love to see them go to a home with more room and water. They need a better set...
  20. dgeter

    3 White Bantams: FREE

    My father in law thought he was doing me a favor and brought over 3 5week old bantams. I can't keep them and need to find a good home for them. Unfortunately he didn't think to find out what breed they are. There are 2 hens and 1 rooster. If nothing else I need to get rid of the rooster because...
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