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  1. Wildviolets

    Laying hens all have bare bottoms

    Hello all, I have 80+ laying hens. All are laying great, eating great, acting wonderful, but all have bare bottoms, even up under their wings. I have put burned wood ash in their coop and where they like to dust (they are kept in a large pen). Any suggestions? I have looked for mites, etc. but...
  2. Wildviolets

    Anyone had any legal problems from selling eggs?

    I am now in a very similar situation as sounds like the rest of you. I live in Lexington County, SC. I raise chickens and want to see them, but cannot find out if we need permits, etc. I'm searching tho....wish me luck
  3. Wildviolets

    Ameraucana bantam hens vs. ? big Ameraucana rooster

    We are building a big coop and pen, getting 30+ more's fun..
  4. Wildviolets

    Newbie from Lexington/Gilbert, SC

    Hello everyone...I don't even know if I introduced myself or not....we are rather new to the chicken raising community as well.
  5. Wildviolets

    Ended 2013 Easter Hatch-a-long "Create a Chicken Tiara" Contest

    OMGoodness....your Rooster looks just like my Billy Bob...
  6. Wildviolets

    Newbie from Lexington, SC

    Hello there...I am new here also and am from Lexington, SC. I have a group of Ameraucana, well sort of...I have two pure bred black hens...they have tail feathers. I have a mixed breed red/Ameraucana with purple feet, and in with them I have a maybe mixed Ameraucana rooster who is beautiful and...
  7. Wildviolets

    The Ameraucana Thread: Where everything and anything about the breed can be discussed (APA, Non-Stan

    My Ameraucana, or whatever they are, are not rumpless. I will post what pics I have now. I am beginning to think my two black hens may be bantams...ummmm??? They lay beautiful blue eggs. Our big roo is Billy Bob and we were told he was only "part", along with the red one. The little black ones...
  8. Wildviolets

    Ended Coop Page Contest #2 - Win a $20 BYC Store Gift Certificate!

    My first attempt at building a coop.....
  9. Wildviolets

    Ended 2013 Easter Hatch-a-long Contest #4 - Cutest Baby Fowl Picture

    just sun bathing in the sunny South Baby Billy Bob
  10. Wildviolets

    Ended 2013 Easter Hatch-a-long "Create a Chicken Tiara" Contest

    I know this is photo shop and doesn't count but just wanted to share because we all thought he looked so cute with his beard and all...
  11. Wildviolets

    Ended Tell Us Your Funniest Chicken Story to Win Six Bags of Feed from Nutrena!

    When we purchased our first 6 laying hens, two were white leghorns. Being new to having chickens, I hadn't put a cover over my pen, therefore once "one" of the white leghorns hit the ground she took flight and flew over the 6' fence. She paced and paced round and round the pen wanting in with...
  12. Wildviolets

    Ended 2013 Easter Hatch-a-long Contest #9 "Candid Picture Contest"

    I am a wife and mother and rather new to raising chicks. We have an assortment of breeds, but my favorite is the Ameraucana. This last little fellow was enjoying the sunny south. We also have four cats, one that goes to the chicken pens with me each time I go. I am new to BYC and so far enjoy...
  13. Wildviolets

    The Ameraucana Thread: Where everything and anything about the breed can be discussed (APA, Non-Stan

    Hello all, I just joined Backyard Chickens. I am new to raising chickens and I have a question that may seem silly, however.....I have a beautiful Ameraucana rooster and two black hens. The hens are about 8 months old, but are so very small. We purchased them as purebred. The rooster was a ? to...
  14. Default


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