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  1. ravensnest

    pyncheon thread

    Hi! What color legs do yours have? Mine have white legs, buy their feathering isn't bad. If I can figure out how to post pics, I will. I have a roo and a a couple of hens. I need to separate them out from my other banty hens so I can collect just the Pyncheon eggs.
  2. ravensnest

    pyncheon thread

    Congrats!!! :)
  3. ravensnest

    pyncheon thread

    I have a pretty pair of pyncheons...they don't have willow legs, but they are nice otherwise. My hen went broody last spring and hatched out a few chicks. She's a ferocious mother, lol - nothin' got near her babes! I plan to separate my bantams into breeding pairs come this spring so I can get...
  4. ravensnest

    Comment by 'ravensnest' in media ''

    Love this shot of your Pyncheon hen! She's looking right at you! Is that a Porcelain d' Uclle in the background? I have a P d'U roo.
  5. ravensnest

    pyncheon thread

    Hi Pyncheon Guy, I am so glad to see a Pycheon thread here and find anyone who knows about this breed. I couldn't find hardly anything on the internet aside from here. I adopted a pair of Pyncheons chicks that needed a home (long story). I think they are two years old now. Looking through this...
  6. ravensnest

    Hi - I'm new here!

    Thanks! Love your GP! I have a few myself! Best investment I ever made!
  7. ravensnest

    Hi - I'm new here!

    Hi! Thanks for the welcome! I hope I can be of some help sometimes! Goats are wonderful! I don't know much about the plants in Thailand but you'd want to be careful about toxic plants that might be growing on your property, and you'll need to fence off what you don't want them to eat, because...
  8. ravensnest

    Hi - I'm new here!

    Thanks for the welcome! :) It's been a long time since I've been on a poultry forum, but browsing around earlier today I realized that I could make connections with others and trade ideas and insights and perhaps help newbies too. :) See ya round the hen house!
  9. ravensnest

    Hi - I'm new here!

    That was original, eh? lol. But I am - new here, although not new to chickens. I've been keeping chickens for a little over ten years now and can't imagine not having them and their fresh eggs. I also keep ducks and geese. And I have some bantam chickens too. I live in southern California on a...
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