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  1. SusieBuddy63

    Scaly Leg Mites - Need Best / Easiest / Quickest Solution - Scaley

    My chickens had scale leg leg mites so bad I thought one of my hens was going to lose a toe. It was infected and swollen like a sausage! I have been applying castor oil every 2 weeks for 3 applications and now once a month as a preventative. Their feet look so much better now and the one hens...
  2. SusieBuddy63

    Scaly Leg Mites - Need Best / Easiest / Quickest Solution - Scaley

    Hi and YES, your other chickens can get them. Most of mine have it and if I had known what it was I could have prevented it from getting to where it is now. As far as the eucalyptus oil, I don't see why not but for me the castor oil is definitely working and it's pretty cheap. I have only...
  3. SusieBuddy63

    Scaly Leg Mites - Need Best / Easiest / Quickest Solution - Scaley

    Thanks so much Beekissed! I really appreciate this forum and your help... I am getting my new babies tomorrow! Black Australorps and Buff Orpingtons and 5 runner ducks :D I am really enjoying my chicken hobby! Just gotta deal with this scaley leg mite issue.... Looks like the Castor oil is...
  4. SusieBuddy63

    Scaly Leg Mites - Need Best / Easiest / Quickest Solution - Scaley

    Hello! I have been keeping an eye on my chickens since applying the Castor Oil about 6 days ago... Today I picked up my favorite chicken and her feet DO look better, but one of her toes has developed an abcess looking thing on it. I'm not sure what to do with it?? Should I reapply the Castor...
  5. SusieBuddy63

    Scaly Leg Mites - Need Best / Easiest / Quickest Solution - Scaley

    Oh Ok! I don't mind the expense if it fixes my hens and rooster lol. I will wait several several days then and see if notice any improvement.. I will be cleaning out my coop tomorrow and hopefully that will get me on top of the situation. I've got new baby chicks coming in a week and my...
  6. SusieBuddy63

    Scaly Leg Mites - Need Best / Easiest / Quickest Solution - Scaley

    Well I went out and slathered them all up. I used a whole bottle of caster oil as I had to treat about 19 hens and one rooster. They all had it to some degree, an a few were pretty bad and the scales were already falling off. Their toes were all good and I made sure to get it underneath where...
  7. SusieBuddy63

    Scaly Leg Mites - Need Best / Easiest / Quickest Solution - Scaley

    Well I went out and slathered them all up. I used a whole bottle of caster oil as I had to treat about 19 hens and one rooster. They all had it to some degree, an a few were pretty bad and the scales were already falling off, but their toes were all good and I made sure to get it underneath...
  8. SusieBuddy63

    Scaly Leg Mites - Need Best / Easiest / Quickest Solution - Scaley

    Thanks so much! In all my time of having chickens (This is my second go around) I've never had to deal with this before.. I lived in Northern California before and I guess the drier air is better for preventing mites and lice.. Now that I live in Southeast Texas where it's humid pretty much...
  9. SusieBuddy63

    Scaly Leg Mites - Need Best / Easiest / Quickest Solution - Scaley

    Thanks so much! In all my time of having chickens (This is my second go around) I've never had to deal with this before.. I lived in Northern California before and I guess the drier air is better for preventing mites and lice.. Now that I live in Southeast Texas where it's humid pretty much...
  10. SusieBuddy63

    Scaly Leg Mites - Need Best / Easiest / Quickest Solution - Scaley

    What grade of Castor Oil do you need to buy to use for treatment of Scaley Leg Mites? Several of my chickens have it BAD... Is the grade that you'd buy it at Walmart in the Pharmacy Department strong enough?
  11. SusieBuddy63

    Getting my first runner ducks in a week!

    Here are a few pictures of my current setup. The The broader inside my coop (once I clean it out) is one to house my baby chicks when they get here. Also I need to finish painting my coop, but the weather has been so weird this year!! I think I will finally be able to finish it this week! :D
  12. SusieBuddy63

    Getting my first runner ducks in a week!

    Hi everyone! I have had chickens and ducks for over a year now. I have a pair of Mallard Ducks that I keep with my chickens. During the day all my chickens and my 2 ducks are free range and I do herd the ducks into the chicken coop every night so they are safe from predators. I have never had...
  13. SusieBuddy63

    New Hampshire Breed Thread

    Sorry still figuring out how to use this website... lol. Thanks for the compliment, I really love my chickens!
  14. SusieBuddy63

    Free range question

    Hello :D I have about 30 chickens and they are free range all the time. I do have a really nice coop my husband built me but I don't have a run. They just go out their little chicken door in the morning when I open it and have access to my entire property. I live on 5 acres and they explore...
  15. SusieBuddy63

    New Hampshire Red and Black Australorp Cross Sex Links!

    Hi everyone :D Just wanted to share my first Sex Link babies with y'all.... I crossed a New Hampshire Red Rooster with Black Australorp Hens and this is what I got.... Black Chickens with Dark brown Scattered throughout their bodies are Roosters. Black Chickens with Lighter brown feathers...
  16. SusieBuddy63

    Could my chicken be a dwarf chicken?????

    Itsy Bitsy is 8 months old now and is still special :-) But, she doesn't lay eggs and her comb and waddles are still very small. Her walk is very quick in action, but slow in how fast she travels. Here are a few pictures of her and her feet and ankles. They look a bit deformed to me...
  17. SusieBuddy63

    Chickens for almost a year.. first massacre yesterday. :(

    Hello and I just wanted to say that your chickens are extremely lucky to have such a caring and dedicated mama!! SO many people would have just culled a bird in that situation and I really enjoyed reading your thread and it was almost like a book that I couldn't stop reading because of not...
  18. SusieBuddy63

    New Hampshire Breed Thread

    Here are a couple of pictures of my New Hampshire Red Hens and Rooster.... They are probably the LOUDEST chickens I have... LOL... Always talking to me when I come outside and will not relent until I give them their scratch grains which they get once a day... They follow me around like puppy...
  19. SusieBuddy63


    Well this person has only 4 posts so I'm guessing that they are just trying to see how many people post about "Nothing"... LOL
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