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  1. beccasev

    Egg gender selection survey

    1. How many eggs to choose from for this incubation? So many eggs. I collected only the roundiest (what my friend and I called them) for 2 weeks from 15 layers. 2. How many eggs set based on "female profile? 36 3. How many eggs survived to day 18? My friend...
  2. beccasev

    The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

    I've been using the nipples for about 18 months now. I used them outside last winter. I rigged up a waterer for the winter from a 1 gallon cooler with a dispenser (like a big 5 gallon orange jug, but smaller) and some plumbing parts. The dispenser screwed out for easy cleaning (according to the...
  3. beccasev

    The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

    Her comb and around her eyes looks puffy and feels warm. Her feet. Much pinker between the toes in real life. Her stance. She was NOT amused with being in the house, and finally tried to make a break for it and send an email for help from my computer. She is acting normal, in...
  4. beccasev

    The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

    Question for you. First, a picture. This is the underside of my hen, back between her legs. She has eaten away all the feathers underneath. They are all clipped off, it seems. From the back, her feathers look wet (on the underside, not by her bottom). I've had one hen not laying daily, for a...
  5. beccasev

    The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

    I am in Missouri. I feed fermented only and my girls are very good at cleaning up. There is never anything left. Hubby Says i don't feed enough as it is, but that's what ranging is for! They probably would eat them, but I only see them at night and the chickens are in bed. Ok, this makes...
  6. beccasev

    The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

    Boy I hate to interrupt all the cute broody and chick talk for something so gross as this. But I have a question about the dreaded c word-cockroaches. I've had my hens for a year now. I didn't notice anything much by way of roaches last summer or fall. We added rabbits in spring and they've been...
  7. beccasev

    The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

    Thanks! I'll look into those threads. I wish I could find a soy free layer. But I can't. Not locally anyway. I tried scratch and peck through Azure, but my girls didn't care for it. Thanks jime! Do you mind listing out your ingredients and proportions? It helps me to see what others are...
  8. beccasev

    The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

    So we are considering adding a small number of ducks to our flock. Maybe 4. I'm torn between large ducks good for meat, and smaller ducks just for eggs. My main concern is pest control, specifically around the rabbit cages. My chickens just aren't doing enough. I've heard ducks are better at...
  9. beccasev

    The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

    I've recently introduced 4 rooster chicks to my 10 hens. The chicks are 8ish weeks old. I'm pretty sure they are all boys. The only one else I'm not sure of is the silver laced wyandotte. Anyway, my one barred rock hen is being a total snot today. They've been together for about 2 weeks now...
  10. beccasev

    The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

    I have a hen, a red sex link. She's a little over a year. In the last week or 10 days, I've noticed she is limping. I've checked her over. No bumble foot, no visible injuries. She doesn't seem to be in pain. She is out with the rest of the flock, not acting sick or hurt. Should I just keep...
  11. beccasev

    The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

    I know your girls are fenced, but mine are not, so this may not help. My BRs turn a little brown right on their back between their wings. Same with my white Jersey giant. But, they also like to lay under my hubby's leaky truck. I've always figured it is just oil from his truck. It seems to...
  12. beccasev

    The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

    I like that idea! The wetting of starter with the fermented broth. I want to at least feed wet, but they look at it like it may bite them. These chicks aren't the smartest cookies in the jar. I will try the wet food again with the fermented broth on it and see what they think.
  13. beccasev

    The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

    This is interesting to me because mine has no problem eating legumes. I use lentils because that's what I can get easily. They will eat split peas also, but prefer the lentils. I do ferment my grain mix as well, and I am even meaner of a chicken mommy because I don't buy feed at all. Ok I...
  14. beccasev

    The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

    I've only been raising chickens for a year. But I had a few things to mention. 1.have twice as many chickens as you want eggs in a day. You will drown in eggs in the summer, but in winter, you won't have to buy eggs. 2. Let them be chickens. Let them run around and eat bugs. Vegetarian...
  15. beccasev

    The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

    Scary day today. I was sitting in my office, which has a window that looks out through a covered porch and into the front yard. I had been checking on the chickens rather regularly. They've been extra naughty and crossing the street to the neighbor's yard lately. But I didn't really see them...
  16. beccasev

    The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

    I know I'm a newbie, but I honestly think you could mix your own feed with what is available, especially since you free range. I know loanwizard only feeds cob [corn, oats, barley]. Red ridge feeds corn, pats, barley, and sometimes wheat. She does use nutribalancer and fish meal, but she has...
  17. beccasev

    The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

    So how much flax would you guys consider as too much in a feed? I do use some in my feed. I think it is at 5% but would have to check to be sure.
  18. beccasev

    The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

    Man you guys agree so lucky with your tree trimming services. All the ones I have called are happy to give you chips, for $25 a cubic yard. We are actually considering buying a chipper. We have the woods. Just need something to chop the stuff up.
  19. beccasev

    The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

    Mine started whole grains before they left the brooder. I ferment my grains. Sometimes I add nutribalancer, sometimes I don't. If they aren't point much to free range, I toss them a can of mackeral. Their run is basically my compost pile. Almost all scraps go there. They eat some and leave some...
  20. beccasev

    The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

    Mumsy- those wasps looks exactly like what I just dealt with. I detailed what I did a few pages back. On a tablet so I can't really look up the link. Basically, pour some ammonia in the nest while they are sleeping. I also flushed/drowned the devils with water. I ran the hose for about 5...
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