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  1. jessica1982

    3 cuckoo maran roosters 12 weeks

    I'm waiting to hear back from the post office to find out the cost.
  2. jessica1982

    3 cuckoo maran roosters 12 weeks

    As long as you paid for the shipping I would have no problem shipping them. Not sure how to do it, but I'm sure I could do enough research on here to get them to you safely.
  3. jessica1982

    First Egg Countdown

    Thank you. My girl did a great job. Was so exciting!
  4. jessica1982

    First Egg Countdown

    Today was the day! Sooooooo excited! It was little. ..... But perfect shell!
  5. jessica1982

    Hurt foot.

    My sweet polish girl hurry her foot last weekend. It has not gotten worse, and she's starting to now put some weight on it. I don't see anything that could be bumblefoot. She did have a small cut on the top of her foot and I've been putting Vetricyn on it. It's not getting worse but it's not...
  6. jessica1982

    3 cuckoo maran roosters 12 weeks

    I ordered 38 chicks from Murray McMurray hatchery and I have 3 roosters out of the 5 marans. They have been vaccinated for mareks and cocci. They have been fed Texas Naturals non soy non gmo starter crumbles as well as fresh fruit, veggies and mealworms. I'll try to get some photos tomorrow...
  7. jessica1982

    First Egg Countdown

    We're at 25 weeks as of Friday. I don't know if they're holding out for more snacks or they are just being stubborn. I can't wait, it's killing me. I check everyday, and all they seem to do is sleep in their nest boxes.
  8. jessica1982

    First Egg Countdown

    I'm currently awaiting my precious flock of 5 araucanas, 3 dark cornish, 3 silver spangled hamburgs, and 4 barred rocks to stop holding out on me and start laying. My girls are 22 weeks old this past Friday. They are spoiled rotten, between their laying crumbles and healthy snacks so I guess...
  9. jessica1982

    Calling all baby chicks experts. I NEED HELP!

    Ok yesterday was the first day of their nutri-drench and today I mixed up the sav-a-chick electrolytes and the probiotic. The ones who haven't changed in how they are acting I gave them a small dose of nutri-drench by mouth. My Maran with the neck problem isn't getting better. She's eating and...
  10. jessica1982

    Calling all baby chicks experts. I NEED HELP!

    Does anyone know if I can put vitamins in with their antibiotics? If my Maran has wry neck I honestly don't want to wait 6 more days until I can giver her vitamins. But I also don't want to give a separate waterer because I want them to be sure to take the meds.
  11. jessica1982

    Calling all baby chicks experts. I NEED HELP!

    Can't find my thermometer anywhere of course. It was probably it wasn't me or I don't know who took it. Looks like I need to go to the store.
  12. jessica1982

    Calling all baby chicks experts. I NEED HELP!

    We took the lid off. I'm actually not sure on the temp. Let me put my thermometer in there for a bit and see. It's been getting in the 30s at night still. They are still sleeping under the light not away from it.
  13. jessica1982

    Calling all baby chicks experts. I NEED HELP!

    I'll check it out now Avalon. One of the other ones did that the first time they were sick, and after they were dosed it went away. Now it's a different one.
  14. jessica1982

    Calling all baby chicks experts. I NEED HELP!

    Ok. so is there anything i can do for her?
  15. jessica1982

    Calling all baby chicks experts. I NEED HELP!

    Actually no I'm not 100% sure what it is to be honest. I posted on here and emailed someone else and no one responded. So I called a lady who breeds chickens locally who told me what it probably was, and that I should cull the sick. She recommended Corid. Yes I was giving them 2 teaspoons per...
  16. jessica1982

    Calling all baby chicks experts. I NEED HELP!

    As you can see she's teeny tiny. And 4 weeks old.
  17. jessica1982

    Calling all baby chicks experts. I NEED HELP!

    I swear this batch of babies is going to be the death of me! This chick is 4 weeks old, and is a dwarf compared to the others. 2 days ago I noticed she had pasty butt again. And her bottom is swollen. I've been keeping it cleaned but I'm worried about what is causing all that swelling. Let...
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